Rolf Langebartels Internetproject Soundbag
July 27, 2022 9:51 AM   Subscribe

Rolf Langebartels Internetproject Soundbag is an internet project by Berlin-based artist Rolf Langebartels. It's a "collection of items relating to Sound Art and Audio Art."

The first link in the description take you to the Overview page, where you can see all the entries in the collection.

Artist's page :

I found this site by happenstance while doing some research about the Seikilos epitaph (wikipedia article), and stumbled upon SOUNDBAG NO. 122, which is a quite lovely recording of the piece. After getting lost in the entries for awhile, I checked to see if it had ever been shared here and was surprised to find no previouslies.

There 272 items in the collection. Some are just images or text, and there are a few videos too. Some entries have audio recordings that will autoplay without warning. It's a veritable Web 1.0 Music History Gallery! The Index page is also quite handy for exploring.

While I haven't gone through everything yet, here are couple of personal favorites:

Gunnar Fant - Sample of the Cascade Formant Synthesizer OVE by Royal Technical College in Stockholm, in the year 1953. (audio)
Chiquilin is dreaming - Chiquilin is a Mexican street dog, a terrier mix, who I found at the local dog pound about ten years ago. (audio)
Henry David Thoreau, Walden or Life in the Woods from the chapter number IV, Sounds (text excerpt)
Vuvuzela (warning, autoplays a sound some may find quite annoying)
The piece "Fish" is from "zu Hause (at home)"- a series of pieces for daily objects. I say the names of some Japanese fish in Japanese in Water. (audio)
posted by Doleful Creature (2 comments total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
Sorry I took so long checking this out. I'm bookmarking this page. Nice post Doleful Creature.
posted by evilDoug at 6:52 AM on July 28, 2022 [2 favorites]

Heh, I seem to have a knack for making posts that people will favorite (and, presumably, check out all the links) but which tend to not generate a ton of commentary here. And that's fine with me! To be quite honest, the main reason I posted this is because I think it's the sort of thing that truly is the "best of the web". It's the sort of thing that can point a person to an online experience that is about more than TikTok/Facebook/Twitter, and I can't think of a better place to share that than MetaFilter.
posted by Doleful Creature at 9:53 AM on August 1, 2022

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