September 2, 2002 11:11 AM   Subscribe

Sebastiao Salgado, author of Workers and Migrations (a beautiful book to share with others) and Earl Dotter, author of The Quiet Sickness: A Photographic Chronicle of Hazardous Work in America. Photographers of Labor.
posted by vacapinta (3 comments total)
poignant book about a serious issue of worker health (I can recall 10 months in a steel racking non-unionized company that was pretty toxic and dangerous --fresh man-power-agencied-labour refreshed these young guys dropping like flies. But for the unskilled poor, what else is there? A shitty job is atleast a chance to escape poverty and boredom. Most people dont want to read hegel and wax poetical all day; empty welfare days just lead to schizophrenia and/or insanity. (Guess there's always an edumacation tp better yourself, but we all know that's no guarantee).
posted by eatstatic at 11:36 AM on September 2, 2002

Nice link, thanks.
Some more pictures Mr Dotter took of coal miners for Boston University.
I wonder how much danger he himself was in when he took some of those photographs.
posted by keithl at 12:23 PM on September 2, 2002

Nice post, vacapinta. Those are some moving and beautiful images.
posted by sennoma at 5:22 AM on September 3, 2002

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