May 10, 2023 11:49 AM   Subscribe

Crushed - Imagine Dragons released a music video filmed on the front lines of Ukraine. It follows Sasha, a young boy who endured months of shelling in his town.
posted by Captain_Science (4 comments total) 11 users marked this as a favorite
At the request of President Zelenskyy, Imagine Dragons became UNITED24 ambassadors in July 2022.

PR about the video [Director] Ty Arnold: “I spent the last winter in Ukraine delivering supplies to people in immediate need; many of these people were still under direct artillery fire or recently liberated from occupation. I was in constant contact with the band about what I saw, and they quickly suggested making a music video that captured the emotion of ordinary Ukrainians suffering from war. I embraced the idea; Imagine Dragons are very engaged in helping Ukraine and I felt this was an opportunity for people to see how this war has affected lives. During my travels I met Sasha, a young boy who had survived months of shelling. He had recently returned to his home village, only to find it completely destroyed. This video captures, in a small way, what Sasha experienced and what thousands of other Ukrainians continue to experience every day.”

Imagine Dragons have maintained a long, heartfelt connection with their Ukrainian audience. In 2018, they visited Ukraine for the first time: tickets to the largest concert venue — the Olympic Stadium in Kyiv — sold out in the first few days. The group was supposed to return on June 3, 2022, but the event had to be canceled due to the Russian invasion. The artists immediately canceled their planned performance in the Russian Federation as well and banned the release of their discography there. Additionally, the American band supported Ukraine by performing at the Save Ukraine telethon, and during this year's European tour, the group's lead singer, Dan Reynolds, was rarely seen without the Ukrainian flag, dedicating songs to the country.
posted by Iris Gambol at 12:50 PM on May 10, 2023 [7 favorites]

Guess I have to reevaluate my reflexive dislike of Imagine Dragons, eh?
posted by that's candlepin at 1:44 PM on May 10, 2023

Guess I have to reevaluate my reflexive dislike of Imagine Dragons, eh?

You can dislike someone artistically, and still like them as people.
posted by Dr. Twist at 9:39 PM on May 10, 2023

It kind of reminded me of the REM "End of the World as We Know it" video, with the kid playing around in the abandoned farmhouse. But real, and the destruction is recent. That's the horrible part.

The song is not my style, but at least they didn't endlessly repeat a single word in the chorus, so it wasn't grating.
posted by The_Vegetables at 7:46 AM on May 12, 2023

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