Beato + Saliers = Great Interview
August 30, 2023 6:31 AM   Subscribe

Rick Beato sat down with the Emily Saliers half of Indigo Girls for a conversation about her decades of making and recording music: In the Room with Indigo Girls’ Emily Saliers [50m]. It's a free-wheeling talk that I, as a long-time IG fan, felt was revelatory and insightful. And there's a lot of joy happening here, too! Includes solo performance of song Look Long.
posted by hippybear (8 comments total) 27 users marked this as a favorite
Wow. I am speechless. I just love this!
Thank you hippybear!
posted by northtwilight at 6:43 AM on August 30, 2023

I really wish Beato would sit down and go in depth with August Is Falling. They really got me through some hard summers.
posted by phlyingpenguin at 7:09 AM on August 30, 2023 [6 favorites]

Rick Beato is the best. You might think he's a Guitar Center kind of guy, all about hyper technical guitar wankery or studio minutiae, but rather, he is genuinely a music lover, first and foremost, and has smart and engaging things to say about loads of stuff you might not think on first blush.
posted by tftio at 7:29 AM on August 30, 2023 [14 favorites]

Hippybear, you bring all the best stuff to the blue. Thanks!
posted by custardfairy at 7:47 AM on August 30, 2023 [3 favorites]

They really got me through some hard summers.

Me too… even on a Saturday night.
posted by greycap at 2:45 PM on August 30, 2023 [2 favorites]

I really enjoy Beato’s deep dives into why a song is great! I don’t know how many times I’ve watched the one about “Do You Feel Like We Do” by Peter Frampton. I find something new every time.
posted by fifteen schnitzengruben is my limit at 8:24 PM on August 30, 2023

Beato is great to watch, even if you don't know any music theory, and I don't. Just by listening to the parts he chooses to analyze you get a deeper appreciation of the music. He points out aspects that a non-musican might miss. His love of all kinds genres shines through and his enthusiasm is infectious. It's very worthwhile to watch his presentations of songs you don't know by musicians you haven't heard so you can broaden your listening horizons.
posted by Metacircular at 2:28 AM on August 31, 2023

I've learned so much from Beato's posts over the years that I decided to pay for his courses. Still working my way through those at a snail's pace, thanks to life things and the sheer amount of information, but it very much distills Beato's enthusiasm for teaching. YMMV, but that's only made me appreciate his posts even more.
posted by It's Raining Florence Henderson at 7:39 AM on August 31, 2023

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