Say, Thom... "Wall of Eyes" closer today?
November 14, 2023 11:47 AM   Subscribe

The Smile (the surprise pandemic side project of Radiohead's Thom Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, and drummer Tom Skinner) have announced a new album to follow last year's auspicious debut. The title: Wall of Eyes -- a name that echoes a mysterious chapter in Radiohead lore and with an album cover that features imagery straight out of Kid A-era "blips". While the album isn't due until January (with a tour in March), enjoy a sneak peek with the Paul Thomas Anderson-directed video for the eponymous lead single, along with the achingly beautiful track "Bending Hectic" that was released last year (lyrics, live version). See also: "Teleharmonic", "Read the Room", "Under Our Pillows", "Friend of a Friend"
posted by Rhaomi (9 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
[h/t to Gary Larson for that title]
posted by Rhaomi at 11:47 AM on November 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

So, so pumped for this. As a huge Radiohead fan I didn't want to like The Smile, I wanted it to be a stupid lark that they abandoned so they could get back to making music with the rest of the boys, but damn if it isn't incredibly, 100% my shit. I had the chance to see them live here at the St. Augustine Amphitheater a few months ago and it was easily a top 5 all-time show. They closed with Bending Hectic. It was monumental. I can't wait for this new album.
posted by saladin at 12:22 PM on November 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

Good stuff!

When exactly did Thom Yorke become Willie Nelson, and, follow-up, why?
posted by riverlife at 1:10 PM on November 14, 2023 [2 favorites]

I almost immediately liked The Smile more than I ever liked Radiohead, so I'm glad to see them carrying on!
posted by mykescipark at 1:45 PM on November 14, 2023

Based on how excited my boyfriend’s group chat of Rutgers Class of ‘99 is about this, today is a big day for white guys who were in grad school in the ‘90s.
posted by pxe2000 at 2:33 PM on November 14, 2023 [4 favorites]

"today is a big day for white guys who were in grad school in the ‘90s."

Funnily enough, thanks to various tracks blowing up on Tiktok in recent years the fanbase is probably younger and more diverse than it's been -since- the 90s. To what extent that appeal carries over to side projects like this I don't know (though even "Dawn Chorus" from one of Thom's solo records was trending for awhile). But that kind of reductive take is pretty out of touch and ignores fans of all kinds from around the world. Good music can speak to anybody, no need to put it in a box.
posted by Rhaomi at 4:28 PM on November 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

Based on how excited my boyfriend’s group chat of Rutgers Class of ‘99 is about this, today is a big day for white guys who were in grad school in the ‘90s.

Hey, white guys who were undergrads in the 00's are excited too
posted by jason_steakums at 7:50 PM on November 14, 2023 [3 favorites]

Hey, I'm not white ... but I was in grad school in the `90s.
posted by piyushnz at 9:31 PM on November 14, 2023

Hey, white guys who were undergrads in the 80's are excited too

(Oh, wait... I was in grad school in the 90's. Carry on.)
posted by rory at 6:18 AM on November 15, 2023

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