Sympawnies by Noam Oxman
March 5, 2024 6:32 AM   Subscribe

I've never seen anything like this before, really. Here's Purrlude in D for harp (Miss Kitty), a single instrument. But also a String Quarcat no.4 (Cotton) or a Quincat no.2 in G (Snickers) Or even the large ensemble Sympawny no.4 (Chubby Cat). The entire account of Sympawnies by Noam Oxman is full of musical whimsy that combines art and composition and animals.

He's not cheap, but you can commission him.
posted by hippybear (8 comments total) 18 users marked this as a favorite
Very cool! It turns out the best notation is cat!
posted by pianissimo at 6:51 AM on March 5

posted by j_curiouser at 6:57 AM on March 5

if someone commissions him to do their cat Precious I think the universe as we know it will succumb to a Precious Singularity Event
posted by elkevelvet at 7:16 AM on March 5

Ok, my mind is slightly blown, buuuut, the wavy tie bars are a bit of a cheat.
posted by Reverend John at 8:36 AM on March 5

YouTube served this up to me a few weeks ago and I fell in love.
posted by kathrynm at 9:29 AM on March 5

current catside looks blandly at speakers, yawns approvingly
posted by winesong at 1:17 PM on March 5

Achievements in Music Typography
posted by humbug at 5:27 PM on March 5 [1 favorite]

How it do dat?
posted by neuron at 11:56 AM on March 7

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