“I am not an artifact”
May 5, 2024 8:38 AM   Subscribe

How we heal. "First out was a rust-red calf, legs unsure against the solid ground of a Rocky Mountains meadow. Then in an instant a whole herd of shaggy bison surged, hooves flashing, tails up, eyes wide, a long-awaited storm of buffalo power thundering into the wild... the first free-roaming bison ever to be unleashed onto the North American prairie by a sovereign Tribal government."
More on tribal/federal collaborations and tensions from National Parks magazine: an innovative archaeological field school; freeing the lands between Badger Creek and the Two Medicine River from oil leases; a Blackfeet-run tour company in Glacier National Park, over a century after Native Americans were displaced to create the park.

“This mountain front may be someone’s park, or someone’s vacation but this is our cultural homeland. This is where we were given the gifts of life itself.”

If every national park sits on ancestral lands, what does it mean to be a Native American working for the Park Service today?

A recorded discussion and screening of Paving Tundra.
posted by spamandkimchi (2 comments total) 22 users marked this as a favorite
Thank you for this, and for the introduction to National Parks Magazine. I loved the article at the first link and am enjoying the rest at leisure.
posted by evilmomlady at 4:27 AM on May 6

Yellowstone’s Buffalo are killed when they are found outside the park because the herd is infected with brucellosis. There is a fear among nearby ranchers of the disease spreading into their herds.
posted by interogative mood at 11:56 AM on May 6

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