May 13, 2024 10:45 AM   Subscribe

Universidad Santo Tomás (Saint Thomas Aquinas) is the oldest (founded: 1580) university in Colombia. The music on some of their promotional videos e.g. Admisión 2022, 2011 micro-drama, another 2011 video, evening study, and a cover, may sound familiar to listeners of a reclusive Scottish electronic music duo, with an overanalytical fanbase, who have NOT RELEASED AN ALBUM IN 11 YEARS sorry about that. The original, the lyrics, and a meta-nostalgic fan video for 50+ Brits.

More detail (unverified) in this "I have more questions!"-raising YouTube comment:

“on the odd chance there's any non-chileans wondering about all the chileans losing their shit about this song, there's a mediocre college in the country, Universidad Santo Tomás, which is mainly (or solely) known to chileans for two things:
1. going with this absolute banger of a theme for its advertising
2. its founder dying after accidentally setting himself on fire while murdering a guy and trying to pass it off as an accident”
posted by Wordshore (12 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
its founder dying after accidentally setting himself on fire while murdering a guy and trying to pass it off as an accident”

I'm-a gonna need a link. Preferably without going through YouTube comments (/shudder).
posted by Abehammerb Lincoln at 10:50 AM on May 13 [3 favorites]

I'm OK if Tomorrow's Harvest ends up being the final album by Overanalyzed Scottish Duo, because I believe it's their most fully-realized. I couldn't ask for a more thoughtful and fine-grained exploration of all their sonic predilections.

Anyway, considering the obsession they've always inspired, I'm surprised no one's tracked down the (presumed) university marketing intern who got fixated on this song to begin with. Feels like there's a story to be told on how that all got started. (Unless it's buried in YouTube comments, and I'm just too inattentive to find it.)
posted by mykescipark at 11:09 AM on May 13 [2 favorites]

(Thinking that Trans-Canada Highway is better than any of the full-lengths is just one in a long line of unpopular opinions from me.)
posted by box at 11:14 AM on May 13 [1 favorite]

(Thinking that Trans-Canada Highway is better than any of the full-lengths is just one in a long line of unpopular opinions from me.)

You may have a strong point. Left Side Drive from TCH ambles along in a dreamy, bee-in-flight, way and is on my main playlist every hot summer. Which, nowadays, is every summer. Plus it was covered by Solange Knowles (who has now covered several BoC tracks) - review.
posted by Wordshore at 11:24 AM on May 13 [1 favorite]

WOW that Solange cover rules. I've absolutely adored everything she's released so it doesn't exactly surprise me that she would have a cover like this... but at the same time... WOW!
posted by robotmachine at 11:49 AM on May 13 [2 favorites]

The overanalytical fan base link is to an app download. Please explain your reasoning as to why that is a good idea.
posted by y2karl at 11:58 AM on May 13

I'm-a gonna need a link. Preferably without going through YouTube comments (/shudder).

The case was notable enough that it has its own wikipedia page.
posted by simmering octagon at 11:59 AM on May 13 [2 favorites]

> a meta-nostalgic fan video for 50+ Brits.

The "Going to Work" titles got me right in the feels.
Why Yes, I'm 50+. But call me a Brit and you can fuck off to infinity.
posted by scruss at 1:29 PM on May 13 [1 favorite]

Campfire Headphase.

Or maybe that other over-analyzed one. Ones. And others.

Geez, eleven years. Hope springs eternal...
posted by DeSelbyofDalkey at 4:11 PM on May 13

Sorry of this is some kind of in-joke flying miles above my head, but I am confused about the post's reference to a university in Colombia from 1580, when the rest of the post and other links seem to refer to a university in Chile from 1988?
posted by AwkwardPause at 4:35 PM on May 13 [2 favorites]

As a Chilean, I'm not sure what this post is about.
posted by signal at 5:37 PM on May 13 [1 favorite]

The overanalytical fan base link is to an app download.
On my mobile, that was just a fullscreen closable ad. Closing it revealed a thread that uh... illuminated absolutely nothing for me.
posted by quinndexter at 5:07 PM on May 14

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