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May 20, 2024 8:13 AM   Subscribe

Want to spend an evening at Dee's Country Cocktail Lounge [venue website] in Madison, TN? I have just the night for you: June 9, 2023 [3h10m, main link, subsequent links are to individual segments of this main video]. Sally Jaye will open up with some great storytelling songs for about a half hour, and then the main artist's old friend David Matthew Dorne plays for maybe a bit longer than needed, and finally Brian Wright And The Sneakups take the stage. If you're the type to check out the music in a bar, why not check this out? Brian Wright And The Sneakups previously.

Give it up for Chris Mitchell on the sound!

I confess, I barely know this artist, but I love the two albums I have from him and I always am cheering for him to succeed. I had no idea he was still out and performing with this band. I guess if I lived in the Nashville area I might know this. I just find Lapse Of Luxury to be such a creative tornado of an album, I'm sorry it didn't find a bigger audience.
posted by hippybear (6 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
And while we're talking about Madison, TN (a good old place, if fiddle music is your taste) let's hear it for John Hartford and Molly Tuttle and Rachel Baiman.
posted by verstegan at 8:52 AM on May 20

sounds like a meetup, if you ask me.
posted by theora55 at 9:45 AM on May 20

If there's one thing I miss from the lost innocence of the 90s/early aughts, it's spending an evening at a local tavern with a nook in the back just big enough for a small band to set up. Sometimes it's just some random guy who's friends with one of the barbacks, sometimes it's a big deal that's just there for the night to have fun and try some new stuff at a small venue. Sometimes it's somebody you've never heard of that just blows you away, and you buy their CD with the band name written on it in barely decipherable sharpie, and you buy them a round and tell them it was a great set, and then in a few years maybe they're all over the radio, or maybe you never hear of them again. I guess this probably still happens in a lot of places (it looks like it probably happens at Dee's Country Cocktail Lounge) but it feels like a different world now.

I have a lot of regrets from those years but those nights drinking with friends and listening to live music are mostly not among them. Cheers to all the bands and artists (and venues) still making those nights happen.
posted by Two unicycles and some duct tape at 9:57 AM on May 20 [3 favorites]

I'm heading to Nashville in 3 weeks and just can't stand the crowds of broadway anymore. I may need to head to Dee's or something with a similar vibe.
posted by ShakeyJake at 11:39 AM on May 20

This is what Robert's used to be until Lower Broad morphed into Plastic Nashville.
posted by bwvol at 11:54 AM on May 20

What Two Unicycles describes sounds like most businesses in Austin, TX. I can't say most "bars" since even bodegas and book stores and vintage shops often have a corner they repurpose for this.
posted by tofu_crouton at 12:16 PM on May 20

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