I could run forever, but I won't get far (free thread!)
May 27, 2024 5:02 PM   Subscribe

Charly Bliss' new single/video, "Nineteen" From their upcoming album "Forever". It's your weekly free thread! Come on in, put on some tunes, kick up your heels and tell us what's up with you!
posted by Gorgik (68 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
I’m having such a good time teaching. It feels meaningful in a way that work never has before. Getting paid to do something I’m good at, that I’m confident in, that I’m passionate about, it’s the best.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d like to see change though too. I wish my school did progressive pricing, and I wish that more kids got the chance to meet all the orchestra instruments in person. I’m going to start bringing a book of all the instruments with me to class so if my students are not familiar with an instrument, they can have a resource that tells them about it that isn’t a phone. I don’t like using my phone during class and I want pictures of the instruments. Classroom is a community space so I am not at liberty to put up posters.

More busking stories: someone asked me if I play with a band that tours. Hadn’t really ever considered that, no one’s ever asked me before. Don’t think I really know anyone who would be looking for that. I am currently only doing part time work anyway. What would I have to lose if someone made me an offer like that? Might be really fun.

A different someone tipped me, very very generously, a folded fifty dollar bill on Sunday night. I don’t even know what to say about that, it means I don’t have to worry about not having food money this week. That was just so kind of them.

Also, seanmpucket’s art is great. I was absolutely delighted. I was sorry to not have been able to splurge. My partner is out of town for another week and I'm busy redecorating the walls of his house.
posted by wurl1tzer_c0 at 5:10 PM on May 27 [18 favorites]

thinking about [content note: war] Hardcastle's 19. doing alright
posted by HearHere at 5:20 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

Reading spindle's recommendation of Silvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch has got me coming up with one half-baked theory after another.

Federici says that the most common path to a witchcraft accusation was being a poor old woman who asked a neighbour for help, was refused, and cursed the neighbour.

Then something bad happened to the neighbour. (Of course something bad happened to the neighbour sooner or later - it was the 1500s, bad things were happening all the time.) Boom, you've got yourself a witch who needs to be executed.

Half-baked theory: Maybe before the explosion of witch hunting, the crime was being selfish and not sharing with poor old women, and the old woman's curse was the appropriate punishment.

But - back to Federici's theories - you can't cook yourself up some nice juicy capitalism if you're being forced to share all the time. So you pull the classic move of turning reporting the crime into the crime. Before the witch trials, God punished people who selfishly refused to help the needy poor. After the witch trials, God punished the poor who complained about it.
posted by clawsoon at 5:26 PM on May 27 [4 favorites]

Mostly bumming out about Bill Walton's passing. A unique character. Couldn't make it through the demise of "The Conference of Champions".

posted by Windopaene at 5:29 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

I adopted a new dog this week! She is lovely and cheerful and (so far as I can tell) not neurotic. Which is a nice change from my last two dogs. She has already been to two beer gardens and gone on three hikes, and she is being very good.

And I have named her Tilly for the ST: Disco character played by Mary Wiseman, because she is smart and cheerful and friendly.
posted by suelac at 5:31 PM on May 27 [9 favorites]

My 10-day vacation is coming to a close tonight. We'll see how ready I am to go back to work tomorrow morning. I got a lot done, but not as much as I wanted. I tried to relax, but some stressful events really got in the way of that. Fortunately it'll only be a 4-day week because of the holiday.
posted by notoriety public at 5:32 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

She is lovely suelac! What a good girl!
posted by Windopaene at 5:34 PM on May 27 [1 favorite]

Films and TV series: being a department chair is all about high drama! money! perks! leather-upholstered arm chairs and glassed-in bookcases!
Reality: I have just written the first of the four (4) annual reports I have to do for my department. Also, I still have to revise the online catalog copy. At least the Spring 25 schedule, which I was grumbling about the last time I appeared in a free thread, was accepted.

On a more enjoyable note, I'm working on a resurrected book chapter for a collection (it got hung up in publisher's limbo for six years [!] and is now actually going to appear) along with my own book. For fun, I'm reading Jon Clinch's The General and Julia.
posted by thomas j wise at 5:41 PM on May 27 [4 favorites]

Well, today's lesson is that one of my medications that I thought was just an optional extra is actually critical for keeping me on an even keel. I've been taking propranolol, a beta blocker, as a mood leveler above and beyond my antidepressant. The prescription ran out and I didn't get it refilled and today is the first day I'm without it and I'm wound tighter than a watch spring. I didn't know it was this critical!

The good news is I'm in to see my brain drugs prescriber tomorrow and I can talk to him about this experience. He specializes in prescribing drugs for brains and he's really well versed in everything that's available. So I will be happy to share this information with him.

The bad news is... well, I'm wound tighter than a watch spring. I'll cope, but it's not fun.
posted by hippybear at 6:24 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

thinking about [content note: war] Hardcastle's 19.

Always appropriate on Memorial Day.

I'm a ways south of all the tornadoes in North Texas though I have friends who were a lot closer to the scary stuff. They're all reporting in well so far. The weather here this week reminds me of Houston when I was a kid: hot, rainy, and pressure stuff that's bad for anyone with migraines.

Also waiting for a second medical test I'm doing on Wednesday for which I am keeping fingers crossed. I already removed a cancerous organ this year; I need the rest of my body to behave for a while please and thanks!
posted by gentlyepigrams at 6:29 PM on May 27 [4 favorites]

The roof repair company that I was hoping would do roof repairs for me in June has just told me that they are unavailable in June and July due to other customers being ahead of me in the queue.

They say the temporary silicone repairs they've already done should hold - but I am still worried about the heavy rain forecast for the next few days - one day we're getting 40mm (1.57 inches) of rain in a single day.

I have a mystery discoloured circle on the ceiling in one room, and I am hoping it is possum pee, and not a sign that the roof is leaking - of the two, the roof leaking would be a much bigger problem.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 6:29 PM on May 27 [3 favorites]

chariot: it's entirely okay to get a tarp and put it on your roof held down by some bricks if you feel you have a leak. You don't need to leave it to a wish and a prayer that things might not be leaking.
posted by hippybear at 6:38 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

hippybear - the roof company claim that their temporary silicone repairs have made things watertight, or as watertight as they can be before the tiles are replaced.

The discolouration on the ceiling predates the roof company doing temporary repairs recently.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries at 6:44 PM on May 27

Ruth Moody has a new album out! And I'm going to hear her live this week!
posted by humbug at 6:46 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

My medical issues are resolved. Cataract surgery is a life changer. 9mm kidney stone laser blasted and removed. I asked if I would be awake and the surgeon chuckled and said you do not want to be awake as I remove the bits and pieces of the stone through your penis. Over COVID now, despite being fully vaccinated. It was the worse. Went from 225 lbs to 175 lbs in two months. I'm putting the pounds back on by way of baby blue cheese on Italian bread. Oh, had stent removed from the kidney stone episode too.
posted by Czjewel at 7:06 PM on May 27 [8 favorites]

Wow... that's a lot! I didn't know surgeons would go into your penis and remove kidney stone fragments. I mean, there's a kink associated with that, but it's not my kink.

I put on 15 lbs when I quit smoking in August and I have about 5 of those pounds left to get rid of before I can button the top button on my jeans again. They are very stubborn pounds. I will get there.
posted by hippybear at 7:14 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

Half-baked theory: Maybe before the explosion of witch hunting, the crime was being selfish and not sharing with poor old women, and the old woman's curse was the appropriate punishment.

But - back to Federici's theories - you can't cook yourself up some nice juicy capitalism if you're being forced to share all the time. So you pull the classic move of turning reporting the crime into the crime.

"Being kind to old ladies" had been accepted without question throughout Christendom for nearly 1500 years, until techbro Heinrich Kramer had the bold insight that old ladies occupied a space that could be disrupted. Using cutting edge printing press technology, he launched his killer app: the book Malleus Maleficarum. "Witchhunts" are now a mature technology which finds uses even to this day.
posted by otherchaz at 7:31 PM on May 27 [6 favorites]

This place sometimes goes entirely insane, and otherchaz's comment makes me feel like reality has broken and I might actually appreciate it for that.
posted by hippybear at 7:36 PM on May 27 [2 favorites]

Hippybear. Yeah, not my kink either. Apparently they suction them out somehow via a tube they insert into you.Glaf it was general anesthesia .
posted by Czjewel at 7:45 PM on May 27 [1 favorite]

glad to find out about the new charly bliss release
posted by lescour at 7:45 PM on May 27 [1 favorite]

So, tee-totalin’ lil ol me went and did something completely out of character. I went and… got some gummies. They’re 10mg and I’ve been cutting em into quarters so I’m only getting 2.5mg. I’m not looking to get high - addictions run in my family - but I have not been sleeping well for years now. And so far these are working really well. I’m getting some decent sleep on the nights I’m taking them. The way I described it to my wife is that its not so much that it makes you feel sleepy, its that it calms things down a bit and lets you close down for the day. Last night I didn’t take one before bed, but I woke back up around midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep (this has been a long recurring problem for me.) I went ahead and had a piece, got a shower and laid back down and I slept like a rock after that.
posted by azpenguin at 8:14 PM on May 27 [5 favorites]

I dislike THC edibles because I never know how strong or not strong it's going to hit me. But I do take CBD capsules because they aren't a "get me high" thing they're a "be in the background while I go to sleep" thing.

I have a prescription for hydroxyzine that is meant for me to take when I get up in the middle of the night to get me back to sleep, but also I've had it recommended for me if I'm having an anxiety episode beyond my normal range. Unfortunately I'm out of that.

Finding a way to get good, quality sleep is a really good thing.
posted by hippybear at 8:22 PM on May 27

I miss pot gummies for sleep.
posted by jenfullmoon at 8:25 PM on May 27

I miss pot gummies for sleep.

Where did they go? They are all around here.
posted by hippybear at 8:29 PM on May 27 [1 favorite]

My little brother has had that kidney-stone blast and catheter pumpout thing several times in the last few years. They haven't yet figured out why he keeps forming such stones. Watch out for bladder infections.

Bicycles. May and early June are near-perfect for biking. I've been rebuilding and riding my bicycles over the last few weeks. I have too many bikes... ok, just 4, but they're paid-for, and all but one are like 30 or more years old, so back off.
posted by Artful Codger at 8:34 PM on May 27

I turned 50 on the 26th, eight days after my mom died and three days after the funeral.

I had spent the entire week prior to her death in the hospital, sometimes multitasking except for her final two days. It simultaneously feels like I should make sure I still have a job, and that it hasn't been anywhere near long enough of a break.

Brandon Blatcher's gift of It's OK That You're Not OK has been helpful, and I also recommended it to the rest of the fam.
posted by emelenjr at 8:48 PM on May 27 [12 favorites]

I've never been one for the THC nor CBD gummies, But I'm fairly sold on the melatonin gummies. Gave me those when I was in the hospital, along with Trazadone and Vistaril and all the Oxycodone they were allowed to give me. Helped me sleep a bit. With the antibiotic infusers alarming all night long, and the "hey it's two AM, we need to take your blood now", and the resident doctor coming in at 5:30 every morning...

Helped. Still doing the melatonin.
posted by Windopaene at 9:12 PM on May 27

I had medical professionals forbid me from pot gummies once I had to take up meds, and when I was getting evaluated for what they refuse to diagnose me with, plus then I had to start job hunting and thus having potential drug tests hanging over my head for at least one job. I might actually be in the clear to take them up again at this point since 2/3 of this is no longer a factor, but I'm not entirely sure.

My new job is awesome! I'm loving being respected and treated well. I'm watching a lot of training videos at the moment.

My other big news of the week is auditioning for and getting Lady Capulet. The other theater I perform at always has trouble getting people to do summer Shakespeare--last year we had six people audition and this year we had eight people, that's how bad it is--and last year we spent two months of rehearsal recruiting people and I'm told the year before that was similar. To that end, I said, "yeah, I'm still in Little Mermaid for the next 3-4 weeks, but I will do any part you need after that." The director liked how I read Lady C but was all "but a MONTH" and "I'll give you Lady Montague, she has two lines" to me after the audition. Well, surprise! :) So I will be working on my lines alone for 3 weeks and then join in. I'm annoyed that their ONE rehearsal this week is the ONE night I have LM rehearsal and then it goes to three weeks of I can't go because LM starts being every day next week, but what can you do.
posted by jenfullmoon at 9:39 PM on May 27 [14 favorites]

I've been a busy little bee this long weekend and got some of biggest, most dreaded housecleaning jobs done. The kitchen is sparkling from the cabinets to the floor, AND I got the spare bedroom navigable! Not done, but about 80-90% of the way there before I ran out of juice around 4pm today (despite 2 cups of coffee!). At this point I feel like I can get the rest done over the next 4 weeknights without panicking...just getting sheets washed, some sweeping/vacuuming, and miscellaneous cleaning left to do. It won't be House Beautiful, but it'll be House Sufficient by the time my sister arrives Saturday evening.

I've thought of more places I want to show her than can actually fit into the 5 days she'll be here, but we'll figure something out.

And in the weeks/months following that, I'm looking forward to being able to invite people over without being ashamed of the state of things - for the first time in 5+ years!
posted by Greg_Ace at 9:49 PM on May 27 [8 favorites]

Also I've managed to tear the shit out of most of my fingernails amidst all this frenzied housework and they're all down to the quick at this point. My fingernails seem to be getting more brittle as I get older...and yet my toenails get tougher?? Bodies are weird.
posted by Greg_Ace at 10:03 PM on May 27 [4 favorites]

Charly Bliss' new single/video, "Nineteen" From their upcoming album "Forever". It's your weekly free thread!
Nineteen? Forever? Nineteen Forever.
posted by Nerd of the North at 10:49 PM on May 27 [1 favorite]

ArtfulCodger. My Urologist insisted I do 3 liters of water daily. I can get to about 2.5 so far. Have your brother do lots of water with a squeeze of real lemon juice into it. The citric acid helps dissolve the beginnings of new kidney stones. Made sense to me.
posted by Czjewel at 1:42 AM on May 28 [2 favorites]

I get the THC gummies for my brother who has ALS. Me being the caretaker. I'm 77 so it's not the easiest thing in the world. We have a great dispensary here in WNY, several actually.It's all done legally after getting a script for the medical marijuana. For several years I signed him up via a NYS webpage. It was over complicated to say the least. But they had online help at their call center. I needed them to help me maneuver. This year they did away with them being able to talk you thru it. I was in a pickle because I couldn't sign him up, which was necessary to be able to use the dispensary. So, what I did was to call his doctor and request that I wanted to sign myself up for the medical marijuana. He asked me what problems I was having. I told him some anxiety and trouble sleeping. He stopped me in my tracks and said those are not enough to get me signed up....but he asked me pointedly if I have any physical pain anywhere. At 77 yrs there is usually pain somewhere, so I truthfully said I have sore knees and some back aches. Bingo. That got me in. He artfully steered me to the correct answer. So now I get the gummies for brother. He offers me some, and I usually cut them in half on rare occasions that I do take one. I was never a pot smoker even though I lived thru the 60s and 70s. Alcohol was my vibe I guess, and Newports. Brother has an amazing amount of valium's in the house, like 150 tablets. And not Oxycotin, but something like aspirin with codeine, maybe 200 tablets. Legal scripts from his primary doc.These are from having scripts for years, but not using them regularly. He knows he has an addictive personality and is being careful. I have no desire for them, but on occasion do take a Valium, or even one of the aspirin with codeine. As Betty Davis said, "old age is not for sissies."
posted by Czjewel at 2:00 AM on May 28 [2 favorites]

I'm scheduled for hip joint replacement in a weeks time and trying to get my shit together in preparation since I'm solo.

For those of you who like music that cannot be put into a genre, I offer Dirty Loops; Work Shit Out. You will thank me if you delve into their world.
posted by mightshould at 5:00 AM on May 28 [3 favorites]

Tiny film student update: screenwriting class is moving along; wrote some more of my came-up-with-the-idea-in-twenty-minutes feature film, I've gotten good feedback from the professor, so I'm pleased with how it's going.

The film premise I'm going with is that an aimless late-teen/early-20s person works in a print shop and finds a stash of counterfeit printing plates, and prints up some money. I envision it as a sort of journey-of-self-realization, light comedy with a little suspense.

One thing I've discovered among by fellow students: everyone either wants to make horror movies or anti-hero violent dramas. There's not a lot in between.

This seems to be encouraged somewhat by professors, as in my case, after reading my elevator-pitch for my story, the professor said that I should look to A Simple Plan for inspiration.

Mayyybbeee there's something in there about inter-character relationships and suspense, but I did watch A Simple Plan and...filed that away for reference.

So, for the fall semester, the plan was that I take a photography class as my in-person class. However, I was a bit concerned about it because it's from 9am to 11:30, Mondays and Wednesdays, and I have a full time job and that's a huge chunk of my week. Also, I've had a Pentax K1000 since I was 12, I've hand-developed negatives and photos before, I've had my work published...I do think I'd learn something from the class, but I wasn't sure about the time devotion or getting a bang for my buck with tuition.

Then at the end of last semester, a new course -- sound for film and video -- was announced, which is right up my strasse, and is a hybrid class -- a lot of work is done independently -- and in person class is at the end of the day Tuesdays and Thursdays, which fits my schedule better.

After a month and a half of scheduling issues, I finally got a meeting with my advisor -- a woman in her thirties who chuckled at my statement that I've been shooting 35mm film since the 1980s -- and she agreed to replace photography with the sound class. Now, the hangup is that the sound class is technically a music-department class, and I need an exception from the professor of the class, who was out of town for the holiday weekend. We'll get there.

The rest of my non-work life has been REARRANGING. We moved out of the antique mall at the end of April, but then the place my wife works, which has the same sort of rent-a-space-to-sell-your-wares structure as an antique mall, had a very large, 20x20 space (about the same amount of space as we had at the antique mall) come available as of June 1st. So, all the retail fixtures and inventory that went into storage a month ago needs to be moved back out and into a new space. It's very cool, and since it's in an artsy downtown area my wife's sculpture-made-with-found-items-bones-and-taxitermy art has a good following down there.

Part of all of this moving around is my wife and I made a deal: the office, which was set up for our now defunct writers-who-also-sell-on-eBay business, will become solely my multimedia studio, and the basement, which was set up for kids-play-videogames-when-they-come-to-visit, becomes her art studio. I now have a desk in the office set up, with a new office chair and the subwoofer from the video game system hooked up, so I can work in there -- other than the cavernous pile of boxes of stuff put aside to sell on eBay that won't ever happen. Thats better than the art studio, which is a cavernous space of boxes full of art supplies but no space for my wife to sit and work yet, so she is still taking over the kitchen table, but hopefully she'll get there.
posted by AzraelBrown at 6:28 AM on May 28 [7 favorites]

I know the cramped feel. We're in a 2br condo, i'm a full time artist, my partner works home 60%, and until recently had a tenant in one of the bedrooms. The other bedroom is my work studio. Where did we sleep? In the living room on a queen bed that's a flop space when it's not a bed. The tenant still has some stuff here that we're storing but there's definitely some Plans Afoot to maybe have a bedroom of our own for the first time in years. I mean it's workable as it is, a bedroom with no other use is a space that's idle 16 hours a day, and that's a waste, while a bed in a living room can be used anytime one needs to go blort and pet some cats. But it would be nice to unfold some of the storage we have, and it's not like the living room is large. Crossing fingers this will come to pass with as little drama as possible.
posted by seanmpuckett at 6:44 AM on May 28 [2 favorites]

Where did they go? They are all around here.

Leaving aside jenfullmoon's perfectly reasonable explanation, some of us are unfortunate enough to live in prohibition states. Of course There Are Ways, but sometimes it's a pain in the ass.

I've had weird experiences with melatonin gummies. I find that if I take them continually, they eventually stop working. When I start up again after a break, I'll often have extraordinarily vivid and sometimes euphoric dreams. But within a week or two, my brain will turn on a dime and I'll start having the worst nightmares. Like, "wake up hyperventilating" style. Not a reliable source of sleep for me, needless to say, unless I stick to taking them very occasionally.

Sending well wishes for this next test result, gentlyepigrams!
posted by mykescipark at 6:50 AM on May 28 [1 favorite]

We went to see Kung Fu Panda 4 yesterday. We didn't like it as much as the first three films, but it was still a fun watch on a rainy afternoon. The part that made adults in the theater cackle was the cover of Ozzy Osborne's Crazy Train.
posted by Orange Dinosaur Slide at 8:04 AM on May 28

Was in Chicago on Monday; the highlight was the Radical Clay exhibit of contemporary Japanese women sculptors at the Art Institute. There are some good photographs, but nothing that really does justice to the textures of the pieces. I'd say that exhibit alone was worth the price of admission, but admission was kind of pricey, so we needed to see some Van Goghs and some miniature rooms to make up the difference.

Also, fast lunch at Mitsuwa - curry pan and egg sandwich and corn mayo bread. I might drive down to Chicago someday on a random Tuesday morning when the food court isn't absolutely swamped so I can eat a fancy crepe. When I moved to Milwaukee I expected to be down at the Kinokuniya all the time, but

a) it's a very small Kinokuniya, in terms of the Japanese book selection
b) I'm mostly buying Japanese books digitally these days
c) Unless I have vacation, I can only go on weekends, when it's absolutely swamped.

But still, it's nice to have the option.
posted by Jeanne at 8:08 AM on May 28 [3 favorites]

AzraelBrown: a new course -- sound for film and video -- was announced

yeah! My favourite side of the process. I hope they let you take that.
posted by Artful Codger at 8:22 AM on May 28 [1 favorite]

Artful Codger : When they opened up this class they explicitly sent an email out to the film students to encourage us to contact them if interested, so I think I should have no problem getting in unless my delay in getting connected with my advisor results in all the slots being filled (it's only half-filled now).

I have a history with sound -- I learned mixing live theater from the guy who was Prairie Home Companion's road engineer during the 1980s, and did a lot of audio through my first stint in college and working in a concert hall, and most of the nice equipment I've bought for myself recently is audio related (school lets us check out Zoom H4Ns, which are OK...but also kinda suck), so I'm looking forward to it. I do understand that live sound reinforcement is different than for recorded media, but I think I have a good base to work with.
posted by AzraelBrown at 9:04 AM on May 28 [2 favorites]

I watched Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World this weekend and it was fantastic. Like Godard by way of John Waters and Harmony Korine. This is a better-formulated scream of frustration about 2024 than any English-language filmmaker has even attempted.

Radu Jude's film shines a light on a crass, exploitative world where the economy grinds people to dust, social media screams in our ears 24/7, and life not only doesn't seem to have gotten much better over the last generation or two, it has gotten worse, largely as the result of terrible people who not only aren't sorry, they think they deserve a pat on the back for their work.

Probably the best film I have seen in 2024 to this point. It's at 99% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes (with 69 reviews) so I don't seem to be alone in thinking it's pretty great.
posted by DirtyOldTown at 10:14 AM on May 28 [2 favorites]

I can't remember if I shared this in any of the other free threads but I've started graduate school. Great, you say, what's the big deal? I'm 53. It took me a little while to figure out what I wanted to be when I grew up but I guess I got there in the end. Anyway, like many of us, I have massive imposter syndrome issues. No matter how much therapy I do, no matter how many perfect work reviews I get, no matter what anyone in my life says, I never feel good enough. I'll have a day or two where I'm like, "I've got this! I'm amazing! Look at all the things I've done!" but then it's back to, "Oh shit what have I done I can't do this I'm an idiot."

I turned in my first academic paper since 1993 last week and got the grade back today. Full marks. And the professor's comments were, "This is really great, C.! You get it. I am very impressed with the thoughtfulness in this paper. Making fantastic points that are well reasoned and well argued."

So I'll be flying on this high for a little while and it feels really, really good. Still out of work (I rage quit in April) but we aren't a single-income family and something will come along eventually. I'm just in a pretty good place despite the loss of our dog last week (I did mention that one in the last free thread.) It feels good to feel good.
posted by cooker girl at 10:23 AM on May 28 [16 favorites]

That's great news, cooker girl! Please keep us informed.

I wrote a speculative email to my local university about a postgraduate research degree yesterday. Then I deleted it and wrote another to a university that is further away but doing more interesting things. Then I deleted that one too on the grounds that I can't manage another commitment whilst I have caring responsibilities for my father, and also my mother is starting to need more support. Aargh!

Have been writing a rage-filled Ask in my head about having to go to see Mamma Mia. I really don't want to. An elderly friend asked me to take her place. I said definitely not, I won't enjoy it. She cried and I ended up agreeing. Apart from not wanting to see it, it's a whole day lost (coach trip). Ask would be something along the lines of how can I get over myself and enjoy the day. I think it's partly anger at feeling manipulated - elderly friend said, oh I thought it would be such a good solution, your mother is going and she's always telling me she doesn't see enough of you. People. Families. People.
posted by paduasoy at 12:05 PM on May 28 [5 favorites]

aspirin with codeine
Aspirin (or acetaminophen) with codeine is available over the counter in Canada. When you ask for them, the pharmacist interrogates you to make sure you understand what you are getting and that you aren't abusing them, but, yeah, you can get them over the counter.

My girlfriend is taking care of a dog while several parties are negotiating who he actually belongs to. He is a French Bulldog, is very friendly and energetic, but pretty high-maintenance. I have never owned a dog, and I am amazed to learn how many details need to be taken care of, particularly when it comes to feeding him. I always thought that dogs just ate meat, but apparently there are some very specialised formulations of meat and vegetables that can be vastly more or less successful for each individual dog. Dog food is expensive, so the trial-and-error process really adds up. I often walk the dog, which is fun, but time-consuming. And, yes, we do discuss the frequency, volume, and consistency of dog poop.

I went to several buildings at Doors Open Toronto on the weekend. My main takeaways are i) I don't know much about Toronto history, and ii) I don't know much about architecture. The buildings that I visited, particularly Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church and Massey College, gave me a lot to think about. I don't know how to put this in words exactly, but I wish I understood better why buildings make me feel the way they do.

I do hope everyone has the strength and wisdom they need for their struggles.
posted by Multicellular Exothermic at 12:07 PM on May 28 [6 favorites]

I stopped by a place I used to work today--in part because I needed to and in part because I wanted to visit once last time before the place closes. The parent company is amalgamating two locations into one in new, third location. I actually worked at both of the locations that are closing, but I feel more affinity for the one I stopped by today. Not only did I work there longer, but it's architecturally a very prominent building in an usual style for the city. It has been in existence longer than I have, and it feels wrong to see it shutting down. Given the track record of how shuttered business locations have been (or more accurately, haven't been) taken over by new businesses, I don't have a lot of faith that this building will fare well either.

I don't want to become one of those caricatures of people that get stuck in the past (You see that spot over there, sonny? That used to be important business, and across the street, that used to be important municipal building) but I suspect that battle has been lost. More of my past is being demolished--the place where my dad worked when I was young (and that I loved to visit when i was a kid) was recently torn down and is now an empty lot, for example. I guess that's progress, or the march of time, or something. I don't think I'd mind as much as if I could see new growth and development rising from the old, but that very rarely happens in these parts.
posted by sardonyx at 1:08 PM on May 28 [6 favorites]

Impeccable weekend chez me: a perfect balance of chores and friends. A highlight was biking down to a nice birding spot to meet a friend. As a non-driver it still has not gotten old that I can get somewhere not on a bus route and without a ride, plus which when the ride is to go birding, the ride is ALSO secretly part of the birding. I feel like I’m cheating.

We also hosted other friends for the official opening of the patio we had built late last fall. We sort of had a “soft launch” a couple months ago with temporary furniture, but we now have it fully furnished and celebrated with a Mediterranean feast. We’ve hardly cooked for other people in the past several years and it felt good to do. To my mild surprise, Beyond Beef can be used to make amazing kofta. That is — it can be used by us to make it. I know others use it well but our past attempts with the stuff have ended with more smoke than flavor.

Crossing fingers for you, gentlyepigrams.
posted by eirias at 2:20 PM on May 28 [2 favorites]

My girlfriend is taking care of a dog while several parties are negotiating who he actually belongs to. He is a French Bulldog, is very friendly and energetic, but pretty high-maintenance

Once you find a food that works, stick with it. Bulldogs have extremely finicky digestive systems. Also, Frenchies are indeed high energy (we have a Frenchie and 4 English and the energy level on the Frenchie is on a completely different level) but do your best to keep him from jumping much. They’re prone to hemivertebrae and that can cause issues with their spine and discs. Also make sure he doesn’t stay outside in the heat, and if it’s over 80° F, he shouldn’t be outside longer than it takes to do his business. Bulldogs can overheat extremely quickly and it can be life-threatening. But with all the high-maintenance, oh dang are they hilarious. Our Frenchie has disc problems (which is why he was surrendered to the rescue) but he doesn’t let it stop him from getting what he wants, and he will do immoral things to get a tennis ball to play with.
posted by azpenguin at 5:25 PM on May 28 [2 favorites]

The weed thread makes me sad, because my tiny venture into trying cannabis to relieve anxiety seems to suggest that cannabis makes me even more anxious. Which seems really unfair.

In other news, the woman who is looking after my rats while I'm in Istanbul is doing such an amazing job, I really lucked out. Absolutely dedicated.
posted by Zumbador at 10:58 PM on May 28 [3 favorites]

It was 2 years ago on Memorial weekend that I moved to the big city (Portland OR) from a biggish town. In some ways it's been an easier adjustment than I expected. I'm doing way less crocheting since moving, and I'm not entirely sure why. I've taken up birding in a small way - so far I'm mainly good at ducks! Just a couple weeks ago, I found a farm stand close enough for weekly visits, and that makes me happy, especially with strawberries in season.

My 15 year old cat Cordelia has recently decided to make friends with the 2 year old kittens. I'm happy that she has friends again! She was buddies with another cat I had who passed soon before I moved up here, and she was not quite herself for a long time. Wasn't sure if it was her age, or loss of her friend, or the move, but it's good to see her looking happier again. My other old kitty is independent, and a little bit of a bully towards her, so they were never going to be friends.

There's a forest park near me that does full moon walks at dusk. I've gone twice now, and it's a lovely time of day to be in the woods. There's something really nice about being in a group of people with a similar focus, but with all the separate little pockets of conversation around me.
posted by dorey_oh at 11:01 PM on May 28 [5 favorites]

Zumbador, having a good pet sitter is amazing! I had a few years when I basically didn't go anywhere overnight, because 2 of my pets were too medically fragile for me to trust their care to anyone else. They are gone now, and I've got a couple of great cat sitters available. It's a wonderful thing to be able to travel again! Enjoy Istanbul!
posted by dorey_oh at 11:06 PM on May 28 [5 favorites]

I tried weed for anxiety. Well, specifically I tried very, very small dose gummies for workplace anxiety, on the advice of a friend. I took a test one at home.

"Do you think this could help you be less stressed at work?" she asked.
"Totally," I said. "No stress at all. I'm positive I could do... whatever the fuck it is they do at my job."
posted by DirtyOldTown at 7:39 AM on May 29 [2 favorites]

I made a chocolate chip cookie cheesecake over the weekend. The folks at work loved it. Made me feel good.
posted by kathrynm at 10:41 AM on May 29 [4 favorites]

Today is Oak Apple Day (or Royal Oak Day, or Restoration Day, or Shick Shack Day, or Oak and Nettle Day or Yak Bob Day, depending on where you live and what you have in your hand). I wore my usual brace of leaves from a (where feasible Worcestershire) oak, though annoyingly forgot to take a photo. Here's the one from 2018, six years ago; heck my life was very different, then.

I'm knee-deep in academic study, as I've become a part-time student again, and it's not easy. This is uh the fourth course I've done in little over a year, each one harder than the previous one; on this one I'm, at best, average. 3 weeks done, 7 to go, and I suspect I'll just be glad to pass and pick up the credits. The current tentative plan is this autumn starting a much larger course, the equivalent of a quarter of an MSc, because reasons. Will see; I might be done with academia then.

Because of that, and a bunch of other commitments I perhaps unwisely made and not all of which can be cancelled without repercussions, I find myself with a full-on programme of stuff to do over the next seven weeks. Oh well; at least I'll miss all of the election. Bonus!
posted by Wordshore at 1:49 PM on May 29 [3 favorites]

It's weird that my best conversations with my physician are phone visits, but that's how things are. I just had a phone visit with him where he actually HEARD everything I said to him, and he had EMPATHY with me about my medical problems.

This is a thing that basically never happens with this same person if I'm visiting him in person.

I have no idea why, but I'm basically just doing all phone visits with him from now on unless it's required I go in for some reason.

Anyway, yay for a good physician visit! Boo for weird modalities in communicating!
posted by hippybear at 4:46 PM on May 29 [2 favorites]

And the medical appointments continue, with me seeing a GI specialist today. And I want to say... WOW! What a difference! The PA I was seeing was quite interested in my symptoms, was deciphering possible diagnoses while I was talking to her, and after spending nearly an hour talking to her [I know!!!] I walked out with a clear plan of things to try to solve my issues and an appointment for an endoscopy in less than a month.

I haven't had a doctor's visit where I felt like I was being really listened to in YEARS! It felt good to feel like someone else is as curious about the puzzle of my health as I am, and to get some professional insights some of which are counter-intuitive for me. Maybe I can get some of these problems solved finally!
posted by hippybear at 11:58 AM on May 30 [5 favorites]

posted by bq at 1:52 PM on May 30 [1 favorite]

posted by Greg_Ace at 7:42 PM on May 30 [2 favorites]

Other than as a human statue posing as part of buffet with the taco holder being regularly replenished for buffet feasters to select, I can't imagine what the purpose of that actually is. And I've been pondering it for far too many hours at this point.
posted by hippybear at 7:54 PM on May 30

Ahhhhh! Charly Bliss just dropped a new vid! Calling you out
posted by Gorgik at 9:15 PM on May 30

Soooooo... what's everybody doing this weekend?
posted by DirtyOldTown at 6:40 AM on May 31

My partner's singing in the Toronto Annex Singers spring concert this Saturday evening. I don't attend in person (because virus) but I do watch the live stream, and you can too with tickets from $20CAD. It's a pretty good choir with some great soloists, and the livestream audio is typically very good though the video is generally not great.
posted by seanmpuckett at 7:03 AM on May 31 [2 favorites]

1/2 day off work Friday to attend the arts festival. I spent too much money, but I got to catch up with a couple of my favorite artists, a weaver and a painter. I purchased items from both when I was pregnant with kiddo and have ended up adding something from both of them every couple of years. It was also a perfect day yesterday to be outside in the sunshine.

Kiddo has complained of dizziness and mild vertigo since Thursday, so we took a trip to the ER. Diagnosis was atypical migraine. We banned all screens except the television, so he spent today on the couch, watching television and says he is feeling much better. So Monday will be all about calling doctors and setting up consults.
posted by theBigRedKittyPurrs at 3:39 PM on June 1 [1 favorite]

So, I need some reassurance...

The GI specialist [see above] recommended that I take a small amount of Murilax laxative to help alleviate my diarrhea and constant needing to sit on the toilet.

A few months ago I was given some fiber gummies that had chicory root fiber, inulin I think they call it, and it reduced me to howling factoids from rectal irritation and once I stopped taking it, that stopped too.

I know this isn't the same thing, but I'm wondering... have others been prescribed laxatives to help overcome sitting on the toilet too often? It's a weird paradox effect, and my previous horrible experience has me afraid to even try it.

So, reassurance?
posted by hippybear at 4:48 PM on June 1

Miralax? PEG / Polyethelene glycol? The chemical itself absorbs water and turns into a gel. In mass quantities it's used for colonoscopy prep. In small doses it's a stool softener. I gave small doses it to our dearly departed Vash because he was having really hard poops, and it helped a lot. But if your poops are really loose I guess could gather up excess fluid and make things a little firmer. I think it's worth a shot.
posted by seanmpuckett at 4:53 PM on June 1 [1 favorite]

Hey, hippybear, ask the doctor if two ripe kiwifruit a day will help with gut health.
This was recommended by my doctor a few years ago, and I can tell the difference when I don't have the fruit in the kitchen.
posted by TrishaU at 11:33 PM on June 1

A new free thread, for a new week, is now live and awaiting your comments.
posted by Wordshore at 12:18 AM on June 17

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