The sex worker who fought debanking and got his EFTPOS machine back
June 2, 2024 7:08 AM   Subscribe

The sex worker who fought debanking and got his EFTPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer At Point Of Sale) machine back. Sex workers can now fight debanking in some parts of Australia, but others are left hiding their jobs and battling financial discrimination.
posted by chariot pulled by cassowaries (3 comments total) 17 users marked this as a favorite
good that anti-discrimination is a continuing focus!
posted by HearHere at 1:02 PM on June 2 [1 favorite]

The business of sex is a strong indicator of future trends. How they're treated by the law, the finance industry, and content distribution services tells you a lot about how progressive or regressive those bodies are, which in turn is a reflection of broader societal beliefs. Where they're protected or persecuted, welcomed or shunned, is like a canary in a coal mine for other marginalised groups (and ultimately, if left untreated, everyone that falls out of favour if fascists gain power).

Sex work is work, and work is how people survive in society as it is today. Attacking someone's ability to pay the cost of living is an attack on their life.
posted by krisjohn at 4:58 PM on June 2 [3 favorites]

Additional context: sex work is legal in most Australian states and in particular (for this story) in Victoria
posted by mbo at 7:43 PM on June 2

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