Looking back, I would make some changes
June 23, 2024 6:43 AM   Subscribe

This comes at a critical time for our household, where reports are that the local bowling alley has gotten rid of all the stupid animations, making the place every-so-slightly more squalid and boring.

This is where all the serious bowlers complain that I'm a dilletante, better-served by minigolf, to which I retort that at least with minigolf there's a chance of some breathable air.

I use the Shift key properly when making bombastic announcements.
posted by Rat Spatula at 6:54 AM on June 23 [15 favorites]

I'd swear that I've seen this before, but I'm not familiar with the site, Points in Case. There's a lot more there, including a letter of recommendation for a first-grade teacher from one of her students.
posted by Halloween Jack at 7:00 AM on June 23 [2 favorites]

SNL had some fun with this as well.
posted by JoeZydeco at 7:14 AM on June 23 [5 favorites]

The Donna side-story is both hilarious and touching....

After knocking down all the pins, the bowling ball comes through the ball return wearing a nice button-up shirt. The same woman (“Donna”) appears wearing a dress. The bowling ball gets onto one knee and an animated hand pulls a ring out of its thumb hole. “I love you, Donna. Will you marry me?” appears in a word bubble. I made this one to propose to Donna in real life. It was accidentally bundled with the other animations and shipped out to bowling centers by PinBuddies.

Anytime there’s a split with four pins left, Donna comes onto the screen in her jeans and vest and says, “Finish what you started, cowboy!” in a word bubble. If you then roll a gutter ball, she comes back and says, “Before we got married my mom warned me about you!” Then the ball responds, “Please, Donna, I’m trying my best to give you the life you deserve.” Another word bubble forms over Donna’s head that says, “What life? I married you, but you’re married to the computer and those fucking bowling animations!” Then the ball says, “What puts food on our table?!?” and Donna quickly retorts, “My job as a nurse!” and then that shuts the ball up pretty fast.

If you miss a spare, a pin will turn into a 3D-animated woman who looks awfully like the woman from the other animations (“Donna”), only with a snaggle tooth and an eye patch and a big scar on her cheek. The pin woman will hold up her pointer finger and thumb close together and a word bubble will appear that says “You missed because you’re a small-dicked loser.” Then a ball from another lane will walk over and she’ll start making out with it for an extended period of time.
posted by chavenet at 7:38 AM on June 23 [8 favorites]

I have once again left a YouTube comment quoting the third-funniest line from the video.
You’re welcome.

*bookmarks Points in Case*
thanks Aya Hirano. is this the Astral Plane?
well, wherever you are
posted by HearHere at 7:39 AM on June 23 [3 favorites]

[I'm sorry everybody. I really wanted this to be real.]
posted by chavenet at 11:49 AM on June 23 [6 favorites]

All I can think of when reading this is this. (NSFW)
posted by egypturnash at 2:59 PM on June 23


Ok I deleted mine, but since there's a request:

Jump to about the 10 minute mark to see the finished videos, the first ten minutes is the creation/ideation phase.

From the corrider digital crew:


Warning, they are indeed offensive.
posted by DarlingMonster at 3:30 PM on June 23

Well, this thread took a turn.
posted by Literaryhero at 5:41 PM on June 23 [2 favorites]

New pony request: Every Metafilter thread gets an animation to let you know how it went.
posted by meinvt at 8:13 AM on June 24 [1 favorite]

the most “McSweeney’s” headline i’ve ever laid eyes on
posted by tummy_rub at 6:14 AM on June 26 [1 favorite]

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