a bit more
June 29, 2024 3:15 AM   Subscribe

The dispute over portable art was, however, as nothing to that which preceded the acceptance of parietal art — images painted or engraved on the walls and ceilings of caves. Today, we know that parietal art is not confined to deep caves; that was only true of the first discoveries. … That most of the parietal art known today is of this kind may be a result of the effects of natural weathering on art in exposed places — though we cannot be certain about this point. [mind in the cave: consciousness and the origins of art (g)] previously
posted by HearHere (3 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
they heard the call and they wrote it on the wall
posted by AlbertCalavicci at 3:26 AM on June 29 [1 favorite]

[Giambattista] Vico [Stanford] was astonishingly modern, even post-modern, in another way. He argued that the human mind gives shape to the material world, & it is this shape, or coherence, that allows people to understand and relate to the world in effective ways. The world is shaped by, and in the shape of, the human mind, despite the fact that people see the world as ‘natural’ or ‘given’. In performing this task of shaping the world, humanity created itself. That being so, there must be a universal ‘language of mind’, common to all communities. Structuring, making something coherent out of the chaos of the natural world, is the essence of being human. In succeeding chapters I argue that Vico was correct, though in a way he may not have fully appreciated. The problem with his work is that ‘mind’ is taken as an intellectualizing organ that mediates between a material world and an inner, mental world. But, as we shall see, there is more to the mind than just intelligence: there is also consciousness. [supra]
posted by HearHere at 3:34 AM on June 29 [3 favorites]

with deference, to EmpressCallipygos (et alia:-) Julian Jaynes [/society]'s framework sees pareidolia in the Iliad mimicking anti-egalitarian systems, yet there is more to art
posted by HearHere at 8:26 AM on June 29

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