Nevermind the Billhooks
June 29, 2024 8:31 AM   Subscribe

Goonhammer Historicals covers the full sweep of historical wargaming, from ancients to the world wars. They have a number of introductory articles, covering basic history and factions of various eras, and the major rulesets and miniatures available. Their 'historical representation in wargaming' article is a pretty great discussion on approaching the problematic aspects of historical wargaming.

There's also a few articles on Turnip28. The post title is the name of this medieval skirmish game.
posted by kaibutsu (5 comments total) 12 users marked this as a favorite
a single Battle Elephant
imho, going into battle w/o at least 2 is just asking for trouble
posted by HearHere at 9:19 AM on June 29 [3 favorites]

I do not game in any modality but I do have a degree in Medieval History and I am a massive history nerd. their article ("introductory articles" link) on the Middle Ages is very well informed and cites really good sources for further reading.
posted by supermedusa at 10:54 AM on June 29 [3 favorites]

Lots of fun writing on miniatures gaming.
posted by doctornemo at 11:26 AM on June 29

one game that I played in college that had a fairly good historical representation was squad leader. I remember looking through a few scenarios, comparing the equipment issued in the game to what was actually fought in a real battle it was surprisingly accurate.
posted by clavdivs at 1:19 PM on June 29 [1 favorite]

Applauds the post title
posted by BCMagee at 5:35 PM on June 29 [4 favorites]

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