The origin story of (Gentle Frogs)/Tough Pigs
July 3, 2024 7:05 PM   Subscribe

Chapter 1: Toward an Unnecessary Theory of Muppet Sexuality. Also! If we had a nickel for every asexual (ace) ToughPigs staff writer who really loved Fraggle Rock, we’d have two nickels. But is it really that weird that it happened twice? "I think because Fraggle society doesn’t explicitly depict some of their culture’s most expected aspects (family groups, economic systems, schooling, etc.) the audience is free to imagine how the Fraggles have filled in these spaces in order to achieve the world they inhabit."
posted by spamandkimchi (1 comment total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
There’s a lot to read here and it’s going to take some time but from what I have read so far, this is very good. Thank you for the post!
posted by ashbury at 8:25 PM on July 3

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