Sterling. Less is Moe.
July 6, 2024 8:26 PM   Subscribe

Arguably the most influential rock band ever, the Velvet Underground story has focused more on Lou Reed and John Cale. Musician and documentarian, Cam Forrester, has given weight to the stories and influence of Sterling Morrison and Moe Tucker.

"In this three-part documentary feature, independent artist Cam Forrester explores the career of Sterling Morrison - guitarist of The Velvet Underground - paying a long-overdue tribute to one of the most underrated rock guitarists in music history, and taking a detailed look into his background, his style of playing, his intuitive contributions to the music, and the turbulent story - from his perspective - of one of the most important bands of the 1960s."

STERLING. The Velvet Warrior - PART II of III: 'CRUSADING'
STERLING. The Velvet Warrior - PART III of III: 'ENTROPY'

"Independent artist Cam Forrester explores the career of legendary drummer Maureen 'Moe' Tucker; focusing on the origins of her unique style of playing, it’s development over the course of her time with The Velvet Underground, and the influence her sound has had on music over the years since the groundbreaking band were in their prime."

Foundation Velvet: The Drumming Of Maureen 'Moe' Tucker
posted by maupuia (5 comments total) 24 users marked this as a favorite
terrific find, ty!
posted by j_curiouser at 8:42 PM on July 6 [1 favorite]

awesome! Todd Haynes' recent film is also recommended. in another format, i appreciated Lou Reed's Tai Chi [guardian]
posted by HearHere at 4:50 AM on July 7 [1 favorite]

Always loved Mo Tucker's drumming. She's just relentless. I've tried to play what she does behind a kit and although it sounds really simple it's just absurdly difficult to sustain.
posted by flabdablet at 5:24 AM on July 7 [3 favorites]

When I lived at 21st Street College House in the mid to late 70's, Sterling would sometimes drop by for a free communal meal. Seemed a nice guy...
posted by jim in austin at 7:39 AM on July 7 [2 favorites]

I've met both Morrison and Tucker in person: they are lovely people, though Tucker's politics kinda took a dismal turn. I met Lou Reed, too; not so lovely, but I had been warned and found his dickishness kind of charming. My wife did backup vocals on a project for Tucker: this would have been 1998 or so. Michael Gira from Swans made us all dinner. I quite liked him, though Jarboe was about as pretentious as you'd guess: she ignored the dinner conversation, as she was painting the dining room black with a half-inch paintbrush.
posted by outgrown_hobnail at 7:55 AM on July 7 [8 favorites]

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