Scissors paper rock but keep on guessing
July 13, 2024 8:10 AM   Subscribe

What beats rock? Keep on guessing and an AI will assess if your given x defeats the proceeding y. Each thing can only be used once.
posted by oxford blue (37 comments total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
I’m not proud but I was apparently the first person to input “axe” in response to the question of “what defeats Pikachu?”
posted by oxford blue at 8:11 AM on July 13 [6 favorites]

Apparently the Bayonet Constitution does not defeat Hawaiians, but Hawaiians do defeat Spam (which in turn defeats filters). Fun game!
posted by the tartare yolk at 8:22 AM on July 13 [2 favorites]

you are the 1st person to beat supreme court ⚖️ with corruption allegations 🕵️
posted by mittens at 8:24 AM on July 13 [3 favorites]

I ended up on “heat death of the universe” and was stumped. I think I need to find a strategy that doesn’t escalate quite so quickly.
posted by graphweaver at 8:37 AM on July 13 [3 favorites]

you should try 'cosmological constant'!
posted by mittens at 8:40 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

I, too, jumped to entropy way too early.

I defeated it with an 'outside power source'.
posted by Acari at 8:40 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

posted by HearHere at 8:50 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

Took me a couple tries to get going, but it's fun once you do. I was the first person to defeat corrupt regulators with an FBI task force!

narcissism 😵 humility 🤜 giant egos 🤜 matrix reporting 🤜 interagency disputes 🤜 fbi task force 🤜 corrupt regulators 🤜 sunshine laws 🤜 corruption 🤜 strong building codes 🤜 earthquake 🤜 foundry 🤜 stainless steel 🤜 oxidation 🤜 scissors 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

posted by mark k at 8:59 AM on July 13 [2 favorites]

This ended my run. I call bullshit, Mr. AI...

"austerity does not beat social security. Austerity measures often target social security programs, so it's more like austerity gets slashed by social security, not the other way around."

I think the AI confused itself with radical centrism.
posted by Laura Palmer's Cold Dead Kiss at 9:00 AM on July 13 [4 favorites]

Sustained campaigns of propaganda encouraging ignorance 🤜 Philosophy 🤜 God 🤜 Sudden good weather 🤜 Storm causing a power outage 🤜 Phase monitor on incoming power 🤜 Voltage spike 🤜 Shredder 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

It crapped out when I tried using “careful government regulation of media”.

Which, like, I guess that tracks.

(It’s in reverse order; I started with paper beats rock)
posted by HVACDC_Bag at 9:02 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

absolute zero < nothing < anything < one specific thing
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 9:16 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

the president 😵 the fbi 🤜 industrial sabotage 🤜 huge tunnel boring drill 🤜 a seven inch think sheet of steel 🤜 machine gun 🤜 bomb defusing team 🤜 bomb 🤜 concrete mixer 🤜 jackhammer 🤜 hammer 🤜 scissors 🤜 paper 🤜 rock
posted by vocativecase at 9:21 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

Well, that escalated quickly. Planck constant seems to be beating everything.
posted by credulous at 9:32 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

a guy who eats guys who eat rocks
a guy who eats rocks

A guy who eats guys who eat rocks? That's like the food chain on steroids! The ultimate predator wins this round.

great minds think alike: 1 others guessed this too!
posted by The Great Big Mulp at 9:32 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

🏆 you are the 1st person to beat Olympic recurve bow 🏹 with barebow 🏹

Hell yeah.
posted by The corpse in the library at 9:34 AM on July 13 [2 favorites]

🏆 you are the 1st person to beat society 👥 with bottom text 🍑
posted by Phssthpok at 9:39 AM on July 13 [3 favorites]

Guns are beaten by gun control, which is beaten by republicans, who are NOT beaten by democrats.

posted by BuddhaInABucket at 9:55 AM on July 13 [2 favorites]

moon 😵 sun 🤜 rain 🤜 musket 🤜 cutlass 🤜 rope 🤜 driveshaft 🤜 short circuit 🤜 battery 🤜 peak oil 🤜 lawnmower 🤜 grass 🤜 water 🤜 lava 🤜 rock

It's called an eclipse, you stupid website! Fun game though.
posted by dick dale the vampire at 10:11 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

Aww, you can't just add "alternative" to everything

alternative paper 😵 alternative rock 🤜 grunge 🤜 nirvana 🤜 emptiness 🤜 self-awareness 🤜 intelligence 🤜 infinite loop 🤜 time travel 🤜 old age 🤜 love 🤜 vigilante justice 🤜 lawsuit 🤜 oracle 🤜 quantum computer 🤜 cryptographic signature 🤜 skilled forgery 🤜 genuine art 🤜 generative fill 🤜 bad cropping 🤜 bottom text 🤜 society 🤜 wisdom 🤜 vicious mockery 🤜 sincerity 🤜 irony 🤜 prophecy 🤜 reforge 🤜 shatter 🤜 rock
posted by Phssthpok at 10:25 AM on July 13 [1 favorite]

Isn't this where we have the pile-on complaints about how all AI is theft and plagiarism and terrible?
posted by Nelson at 10:37 AM on July 13 [5 favorites]

Interesting analysis, but really I’m just beating the last thing that I typed. I thought the AI would come up with a thing and I would have to try and figure out how to beat it. This is more like a training exercise than a game.
posted by JustSayNoDawg at 10:46 AM on July 13

Meh. It didn't like logic beating god.
posted by Thorzdad at 10:50 AM on July 13

But the Babel Fish is a dead giveaway...
posted by Reverend John at 11:31 AM on July 13 [2 favorites]

Hmmm, it doesn't seem to enforce consistency. I had a patty melt beat a croque monsieur (which beat rock) one game, but the patty melt lost to rock the next, and then:

Croque monsieur 🤜 patty melt 🤜 ham and cheese 🤜 rock
posted by Reverend John at 11:45 AM on July 13

Well, the original

rock 🤜 scissors 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

is a loop of 3 things. This model also supports longer or shorter loops such as

Croque monsieur 🤜 patty melt 🤜 Croque monsieur
posted by Phssthpok at 1:27 PM on July 13

Sure, the original game is a loop, but I think its implied that its one directional. Rock beats scissors, but I don't think the rules would ever allow scissors to beat rock, even if you deleted paper. Additionally, this game forbids repeats. It's already just making shit up via the magic of AI, but one might at least hope for consistency, especially since it seems to track how many people made certain responses.
posted by Reverend John at 1:42 PM on July 13

does not beat
absolute zero

two miracles
does not beat
a miracle

you are the 1st person to beat eclipse 🌑 with giant mirror 🪞

giant Skeletor
giant mirror

a worm every minute
does not beat
an apple a day
posted by Foosnark at 1:44 PM on July 13 [2 favorites]

India 😵 China 🤜 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act 🤜 tax havens 🤜 IRS 🤜 tax loopholes 🤜 taxes 🤜 wealthy donor 🤜 budget 🤜 creative vision of architects 🤜 motion dampers 🤜 earthquake 🤜 urbanization 🤜 crop rotation 🤜 barren soil 🤜 touching grass 🤜 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 🤜 Russian nationalism 🤜 the fall of the Soviet Union 🤜 soviet realism 🤜 surrealism 🤜 dada 🤜 post-impressionism 🤜 impressionism 🤜 realism 🤜 plucky young rebel 🤜 police state 🤜 defunding the police 🤜 budget cuts 🤜 game wardens 🤜 poaching 🤜 jaguar 🤜 anteater 🤜 ants 🤜 sugar 🤜 vinegar 🤜 rust 🤜 generator 🤜 brownout 🤜 air conditioning 🤜 heat wave 🤜 parka 🤜 blowing 🤜 hot water 🤜 dentures 🤜 toothpaste 🤜 lemonade 🤜 summer 🤜 spring 🤜 winter 🤜 autumn 🤜 leaf 🤜 water 🤜 fire 🤜 hammer 🤜 sheet metal 🤜 scissors 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

Dammit, I almost knew for certain India wasn't going to do it, but risked it anyway.
posted by KChasm at 2:19 PM on July 13 [2 favorites]

I beat rust with soda and beat soda with drinking, but then it said smoking weed wasn't better than drinking, so I quit the game.
posted by GoblinHoney at 3:47 PM on July 13

soldiers 😵 Supreme Court 🤜 lawsuit 🤜 liar 🤜 newspaper

Apparently my thought chain about an ex-president was unique and would not be successful.
posted by Absolutely No You-Know-What at 3:54 PM on July 13

Yeah, there's a lot of cycles that feel too short, where both sides can beat each other:

emotions 🤜 facts 🤜 feelings 🤜 truth 🤜 lies 🤜 honesty 🤜 sarcasm 🤜 sincerity 🤜 irony
posted by Phssthpok at 4:37 PM on July 13

Bruce lee 😵 Chuck norris 🤜 Evel knevel 🤜 Motorcycles 🤜 Mark hamill 🤜 Darth vader 🤜 Natalie portman 🤜 Mila kunis 🤜 Ashton kutcher 🤜 Demi moore 🤜 Bruce willis 🤜 Meteors 🤜 Dinosaurs 🤜 Humans 🤜 Sharks 🤜 Surfers 🤜 Waves 🤜 Sand 🤜 Fire 🤜 Freezing 🤜 Water 🤜 Match 🤜 paper 🤜 rock

AI's Reason:
"Chuck Norris doesn't compete; he just wins. Bruce Lee might be a legend, but Chuck Norris is a meme. And memes always win."

This is how we beat Skynet :-)
posted by Godel.Escher.Spock at 5:05 PM on July 13

I ended up on “heat death of the universe” and was stumped. I think I need to find a strategy that doesn’t escalate quite so quickly.

I went with quantum collapse of the multiverse, which beat that.

Entropy beat the quantum collapse.

Life beat entropy. “Life finds a way, even in the face of entropy. Just ask Jeff Goldblum!”
posted by Pryde at 6:54 PM on July 13

I did rock - paper - printing press - authoritarians - pete seeger - electric guitar - power outage - solar panels, then lost trying to beat solar panels with conservative politicians, which actually felt pretty hopeful so I'm okay with it.

I was the first person to beat authoritarians with Pete Seeger.
posted by biogeo at 7:17 PM on July 13 [1 favorite]

I was the first person to beat time with laughter.

I'm stopping now, as I don't really want to beat laughter.
posted by inexorably_forward at 8:13 PM on July 13

My favorite move so far has been beating a math test with Terence Tao.
posted by biogeo at 3:19 PM on July 14

I think this is the first genuinely good use of chatGPT I've ever encountered? My best run so far:

doing cocaine 😵 reading a nice book 🤜 doomscrolling 🤜 touching grass 🤜 turning the holodeck back on 🤜 turning the holodeck off 🤜 holographic moriarty 🤜 data's sacrifice 🤜 riker's treachery 🤜 jean-luc picard 🤜 borg cube 🤜 star trek replicator 🤜 growing your own food 🤜 instacart 🤜 going to the supermarket 🤜 running out of food 🤜 underground bunker 🤜 hot lava 🤜 lead shielding 🤜 electromagnet 🤜 robots 🤜 cheap sweatshop labor 🤜 industrial loom 🤜 sewing machine 🤜 needle and thread 🤜 fabric tear 🤜 windbreaker 🤜 strong wind 🤜 rain cloud 🤜 drought 🤜 the fountain of youth 🤜 parkinson's disease 🤜 joe biden 🤜 kamala harris 🤜 rock
posted by theodolite at 2:06 PM on July 15

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