A critical hit: Dungeons and Dragons as a buff for autistic people
September 6, 2024 8:33 AM   Subscribe

While research and anecdotal reports suggests that autistic people may be particularly drawn to the hobby due to its structure and inclusivity (Fein, 2015), understanding how TTRPGs could function as social support was of specific interest. As such, this study aimed to investigate how autistic individuals experience TTRPGs in groups of all autistic players. In what way do TTRPG games function as a safe space for autistic people where they can interact comfortably and expand their social lives?
posted by bq (2 comments total) 14 users marked this as a favorite
This was a really interesting read, thanks for posting it. I had not heard of the idea of "bleed" before and was very intrigued by it. As a huge fan of D&D (I run two games a week) one of the things I love about it is how inclusive it can be, and how easy it is to make it so. I have ended up in many games with autistic folks as well as other people from very different backgrounds, life experiences, etc. from my own and maybe I've just been extra fortunate, but I feel like it's taught me a lot and brought a lot to my life I would otherwise be missing*. (Full disclosure: I am not autistic)

*I sincerely hope that I have helped to facilitate similar experiences with other people that I play with.
posted by BigHeartedGuy at 9:39 AM on September 6

Love this, thanks for sharing it. Definitely unlocks some new realizations for me on how all my deepest friendships have developed.
posted by Tiny Bungalow at 9:51 AM on September 6 [1 favorite]

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