11 months - the status quo spreads
September 10, 2024 10:34 AM   Subscribe

Guardian Explains: What is al-Mawasi and why did Israel attack a ‘safe zone’? || CNN: Infected wounds, maggots and no escape. Gaza’s humanitarian crisis hits new lows as sanitary conditions plummet || +972: Inside the brutal siege of Jenin [in the West Bank] || MSF: Access to medical care at risk in West Bank as Israeli incursions intensify || Guardian: ‘I am the police, I am the army’: sanctioned settler’s rule in West Bank

From Bayan, a journalist still in Gaza: (machine translation of Arabic post)
I have been through 339 days of war,
I don't know where I live, the neighborhood I live in no longer has any landmarks.

I have many talents,
I can run long distances, or at least I think I can run long distances, since I didn't have a chance to measure the distance while I was running away from the tanks.
I abstain from food and drink for days. It is true that it is exhausting, but the scarcity - or even the absence - of food and drink creates abilities that we did not realize we had before.

I can treat my chronic and transient diseases without medications or treatments. Is it because the health system is dilapidated or because I have supernatural abilities?

I can lift twice my weight in water, and walk with full gallons for long periods of time, not because I have to! But because l'm getting my body ready to get back to the gym.

I don't get scared when I hear bombs, fear is a feeling. and feelings have become a luxury I can't afford,
My thin face and emaciated body are not the result of starvation and chronic anxiety, but because 1 am searching for the ideal image of beauty like models!
My current color is not the result of months of sun-baked skin, but rather an intentional tan.

I never feel lonely, I have many friends
Half of them are here, and the other half are dead, waiting for me to come.
I am not twenty-eight years old,
Rather 339 days of death.
Gaza City - The Afflicted Gaza Strip - Palestine
September 9, 2024

This is the fresh thread on the ongoing decimation of Palestine.

There's still an open thread on US Response to Gaza.

There is a related thread sharing Christina Sharpe's piece in the Yale Review on writing about atrocities.
posted by cendawanita (37 comments total) 44 users marked this as a favorite
The fact that they expanded into the West Bank, and are shooting protestors.

It's just genocide. I think this broke me. All I have left is protecting the people I care about.
posted by constraint at 11:01 AM on September 10 [19 favorites]

On the upside, it's the world's most moral genocide.
posted by flabdablet at 11:05 AM on September 10 [6 favorites]

There are no words.
posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 11:08 AM on September 10

No, not true, rrrrrrrrrt. Thank you, cendawanita, for sharing Bayan’s words, and links to others.
posted by rrrrrrrrrt at 11:11 AM on September 10 [6 favorites]

I really hope there is a hell and that Netanyahu and his cohorts burn eternally within it.
posted by grumpybear69 at 11:14 AM on September 10 [8 favorites]

Speaking of the perpetrators of this genocide....

MEE: UK Lawyers for Israel patron quits, says Starmer right to suspend arms exports -
Lord Carlile tells MEE he has resigned from pro-Israel group on same day it threatens government with legal action over weapons sales ban

Haaretz (analysis; ungated): Biden, if You Really Want to Understand Netanyahu, Listen to What He Says in Hebrew
One of his most prominent political-rhetorical characteristics is that on the same topic and issue, the Hebrew and the English texts are not compatible. What is truly odd is that the only ones who do not seem aware or alert to his linguistic discrepancies are the Americans.

[Unrelated but if you'd like a general historical analysis, found this 2016 paper on "The ideological manipulation of Hebrew literature in English translation in the 1970s and 1980s"]

Well, it's not American (still) but here's ABC (Australia): Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos - a few months late but when you can't even report Israeli journalism promptly because you just can't trust Middle Easterners... Only to get bupkiss from the IDF, so... You end up writing an entire piece in September that basically rehashes Israeli reporting which I guess proves the point that Israelis are indigenous to the region after all (congratulations).

In the meantime: IDF investigates forged Hamas documents leaked to foreign media - report
I guess I'll just call this the Patsies for Bibi Cinematic Universe: The investigation was launched to find out who was manipulating the use of classified Hamas documents seized in Gaza or those that were only allegedly taken from Hamas, and passing them on to the international media in order to try and influence public opinion in Israel on the subject of a hostage deal.

The investigation's findings caused great concern and anger in Israel's security establishment, according to the report, which also claims to heighten tensions between Israeli security and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a tension that has reached new highs following deep disagreements between the parties surrounding the deal.

Two articles published in the last few days were part of the IDF investigation, one from The Jewish Chronicle and one from the German tabloid newspaper Bild. Both have claimed to reveal internal and top secret documents of Hamas, supposedly straight from Yahya Sinwar's computer.

Regardless, Ori Goldberg strikes a sober note in The Nation: For Israeli Protesters, Palestine Might as Well Not Exist -
There is a gaping, Gaza-shaped void at the heart of the hostage deal demonstrations.

And in the meantime, BBC: ICC chief prosecutor defends Netanyahu arrest warrant in BBC interview, or as The Cradle puts it: ICC prosecutor says world leaders 'threatened' him over Israel arrest warrants

(Just as a reminder, this was something of an Axios scoop back in May)
posted by cendawanita at 11:16 AM on September 10 [19 favorites]

Far as I'm concerned, Sinwar, Netenyahu, Ben-Gvir, Putin, Lukashenko, Khürelsükh, GWB, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Obama, Trump and Biden can all go before the ICC. Throw in al-Assad and Khameini while we're at it.
posted by symbioid at 11:27 AM on September 10 [7 favorites]

Given how often and freely the Israeli government lies, I really want to know if the Israeli army casualty figures are real. On the one hand, the claim is that only ~250 Israeli troops have died. On the other hand (and sorry, there's no english link for the wiki reference) there is apparently a statement from the Israeli army that they've lost so many tanks and armored vehicles in Gaza they're unable to fully run training exercises.

Those things could both be true but also that government is a pack of truly evil people that seem to lie compulsively. I vaguely remember the Soviets in Afghanistan getting caught out on casualty lies in a similar way (it may have also been to do with funeral numbers?).

The Israeli army is constantly killing large groups of civilians in every part of Gaza, even after they have been "cleared". North, south, then north again, and once more to the south. Now they're charging into the West Bank. Whether that's a continuation of the genocide (via statements from officials) or some kind of face saving ethnic cleansing campaign as they fail to remove Hamas from Gaza. I don't know if Israeli citizens know, or even most of the government. It really just looks like they're flailing around with our 2000lb bomb supply.
posted by Slackermagee at 11:33 AM on September 10 [9 favorites]

That Ori Goldberg article in The Nation is some dark, dark sobering existential shit. Thank you for the link and post.
posted by riverlife at 11:40 AM on September 10 [7 favorites]

Lessons of a Weimar Anti-Fascist in Palestine (Barry Yourgrau, The Nation, 3-Sep; apologies if already linked elsewhere):
Digging further in the appalling wake of October 7, I’ve come to the acute realization that the story of my father’s exile and his milieu is a cautionary tale, one that evokes a dark, internecine version of the currents swirling toward Israel’s birth, currents that have swept through the decades to today’s horrors in Gaza and the West Bank. And it undercuts any consoling narrative that nationalist Zionism’s embrace of—even devotion to—ruthless force became visible to Jews only recently, or that Palestine’s Jews were united behind the brand of Zionism that was bent on establishing a Jewish nation-state; on the contrary, there were dissenters from the earliest days, and they were not just scorned but too often viciously punished.

In this context, my father’s relentless insistence that fascism and toxic nationalism could arise anywhere, among Zionists too, is a starkly urgent lesson, an alarm that’s blaring right now, in Israel and, eerily, even in Germany, with its stifling of pro-Palestinian voices. “The totalitarian specter is…wreaking havoc in the Jewish camp,” my father wrote at the turn of 1943. “Grab it by the throat wherever you meet it,” he implored.
posted by flabdablet at 11:53 AM on September 10 [17 favorites]

That article in The Nation is incredible enough to have been it's own post. Really dark and educational read.
posted by windbox at 12:44 PM on September 10 [3 favorites]

There are no words.

No. There is one word.
posted by AlSweigart at 1:23 PM on September 10 [2 favorites]

Re: ori goldberg. It's essentially the same as the Megan Stack NYT article from May, previously linked. Doesn't make it any less true, nor any less depressing.
posted by lalochezia at 1:24 PM on September 10 [1 favorite]

Joly says Canada will block U.S.-bound ammunition sale destined for Israel [The Globe and Mail]
Ms. Joly, speaking to reporters at a Liberal caucus retreat in Nanaimo, announced the government this summer suspended about 30 existing permits that had been issued before January to ship military goods to Israel.

And, she said, Canada will not allow the sale of ammunition through the United States to Israel. The ammunition was to have been produced by a Quebec division of U.S. defence contractor General Dynamics.

“As for the question regarding General Dynamics, our policy is clear,” Ms. Joly said. " We will not have any form of arms, or parts of arms, be sent to Gaza. Period. How they’re being sent and where they’re being sent is irrelevant. And so therefore my position is clear, the position of the government is clear, and we’re in contact with General Dynamics.”
posted by mazola at 2:30 PM on September 10 [15 favorites]

^ I am surprised Canada discovered a measure of humanity

it took a while, it remains to be seen whether we'll follow through on even this, even now, but: about time
posted by ginger.beef at 2:35 PM on September 10 [6 favorites]

"Biden says the death of U.S. citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the West Bank from IDF fire ״apparently was an accident" and a result of bullet that hit the ground and ricocheted"; her family is "deeply offended" by this portrayal of events

Dispatch from Jenin: Resistance Swells After Israel’s Brutal Invasion
posted by Noisy Pink Bubbles at 3:09 PM on September 10 [12 favorites]

Israel's grip on the US body politic has become absolutely toxic.
posted by grumpybear69 at 3:33 PM on September 10 [14 favorites]

And all the while profit, especially American [The Nation], is being made from this illegitimate genocidal war. Caterpillar is very prominent.

Not following war much as the same American christo-Fascist mindset is currently warring against my country.
posted by unearthed at 4:05 PM on September 10 [5 favorites]

An Israeli strike on a Palestinian tent camp kills at least 19

An Israeli strike hit a crowded Palestinian tent camp early Tuesday in Gaza, killing at least 19 people and wounding 60, Palestinian officials said. Israel said it targeted senior Hamas militants with precise munitions.

Joly says Canada bars any Canadian-made arms from reaching Gaza

Canadian-made weapons will be prohibited from reaching the Gaza Strip, Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly said Tuesday. "We will not have any form of arms or parts of arms be sent to Gaza, period," Joly said. "How they're being sent and where they're being sent is irrelevant."

^ I am surprised Canada has discovered any measure of its own balls
posted by human ecologist at 4:49 PM on September 10 [7 favorites]

"Biden says the death of U.S. citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi in the West Bank from IDF fire ״apparently was an accident" and a result of bullet that hit the ground and ricocheted"; her family is "deeply offended" by this portrayal of events

As always I'm struck at how the IDF only ever manages to be calm under pressure and accurate when they're outside Palestine (strictly speaking on the actual violent force)*. But heaven forbid if I draw any conclusions on what that means on how they must think of Palestinians and people supporting them.

*Even as I say it I'm reminded by the soldiers returning or going to their outside-Israel residences and have been making trouble eg at the universities.

Anyway, of note (and to be on guard against normalisation)- BM (with screenshot of a Hebrew post with machine translation): A growing phenomenon all across Israeli mainstream media: whenever international public figures refer to the "West Bank", they are quoted in Hebrew as referring to "Judea & Samaria"

Which reminds me that over at the US thread I shared this Ynet take of this JetBlue brouhaha:
JetBlue displays map of Israel identifying most of country as 'Palestinian Territories' -
In its flight map, JetBlue erases Israeli Golan and labels majority of country as 'Palestinian Territories' ; The company blames the map service provider but has yet to correct the displayed map

And the very brief update: The company says onboard maps are to be changed according to US government guidelines; the airline is 'sorry for the concern this has caused' and insists no one at JetBlue was aware of the problem


Also, South Africa confirms (via the South African journo covering the UN beat, Sherwin Bryce-Pease) that its ICJ case continues where it will be filing a memorial with updated facts and figures next month.

It's unrelated directly to this news that came out about a day before that announcement but still: (Axios - it's Barak Ravid so it's basically a stenographer piece so useful for that level of validation) Scoop: Israel asks Congress to press South Africa to drop ICJ genocide case
Behind the scenes: Israeli officials said the Israeli foreign ministry started a diplomatic campaign in recent weeks to press South Africa not to push forward with the case at the ICJ. The U.S. congress is a main tool in the effort.

- On Monday, the Israeli foreign ministry sent a classified cable to the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC and to all Israeli consulates in the U.S. about South Africa's ICJ case.
- "We are asking you to immediately work with lawmakers on the federal and state level, with governors and Jewish organizations to put pressure on South Africa to change its policy towards Israel and to make clear that continuing their current actions like supporting Hamas and pushing anti-Israeli moves in international courts will come with a heavy price," the cable read.

What is the strategic value of Israel that the USA is cheerfully acting like a stooge? Antisemitic notions of Jewish people can never be safe anywhere except via a genocidal landgrab phrased as reparations (and so all effort must be exerted because God forbid Jewish people lives amongst us instead, even if this means derangement of an entire society) is so persistent it bears permanent study and shame if we ever survive this. I genuinely cannot forgive the Western establishment for this - European antisemitism's final revenge.

+972: Under cover of war, Israel is demolishing home after home in Silwan -
The government has accelerated plans to depopulate the East Jerusalem neighborhood, displacing dozens of Palestinian residents this year.

Oh look, not the West Bank nor Gaza.
posted by cendawanita at 7:21 PM on September 10 [16 favorites]

(btw I'm not tracking the US presidential debate at all today - irl in the way, so if there's anything pertinent, share here or the US response thread, if anyone else is watching and noting)
posted by cendawanita at 7:55 PM on September 10 [3 favorites]

A ricochet.

A fucking ricochet. By accident.

Wilfully blind old fucker has given up even attempting plausibility.
posted by flabdablet at 10:26 PM on September 10 [6 favorites]

Biden doesn't need more help understanding Netanyahu. As he will remind the press at every opportunity, he has been a friend of the apartheid state of Israel for decades. And as Harris will assure her constituents when they're demanding cessation of the genocide, she supports the Israeli "right to self-defense" to the hilt. How many times do these people have to tell us who they are before we believe them?
posted by jy4m at 1:42 AM on September 11 [8 favorites]

Well, let's understand how we got here. On Oct. 7, Hamas, a terrorist organization, slaughtered 1,200 Israelis. Many of them young people who were simply attending a concert. Women were horribly raped. And so absolutely, I said then, I say now, Israel has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Because it is also true far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Children, mothers. What we know is that this war must end. It must when, end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal and we need the hostages out. And so we will continue to work around the clock on that. Work around the clock also understanding that we must chart a course for a two-state solution. And in that solution, there must be security for the Israeli people and Israel and in equal measure for the Palestinians. But the one thing I will assure you always, I will always give Israel the ability to defend itself, in particular as it relates to Iran and any threat that Iran and its proxies pose to Israel. But we must have a two-state solution where we can rebuild Gaza, where the Palestinians have security, self-determination and the dignity they so rightly deserve.

Explicitly linking the freeing of the hostages to a cessation of the genocide, the collective punishment of Palestinians. And this is the good candidate!

I'd wish on pox on them but well, we already had that.
posted by Slackermagee at 5:18 AM on September 11 [9 favorites]

(btw I'm not tracking the US presidential debate at all today - irl in the way, so if there's anything pertinent, share here or the US response thread, if anyone else is watching and noting)

same as the old boss. oh, wait: is Harris's acknowledgment of Palestinian deaths a budge of the needle? if I am a US American, I have had a few generations to ask why my nation's foreign policy is so heavily tilted toward responding to every little thing in that part of the world. and especially that one nation in particular, Israel, looming like a fucking monolith in so many presidential elections. but here we are and I guess blaming Harris for anything is like. well what is that like? blaming water for flowing?
posted by ginger.beef at 7:28 AM on September 11 [4 favorites]

Supposedly Harris is subtly signaling a change in policy, but just cannot break with Joe Biden (although why the fuck not is not explained all that well) - What does this all add up to? It may be easier to say what it’s not. These are not the cumulative words and actions of someone with Biden’s unshakeable faith in the Zionist project. Harris doesn’t subscribe to the kind of unwavering refusal to criticize Israel that many other U.S. lawmakers have displayed. Nor does she reduce domestic Jewish issues to Israeli policy, the way Trump and many Zionist organizations on the right have done.

But it’s harder to say what’s going on in Harris’ head. It’s possible that she retains some genuine moral principles that make her more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and more critical of the IDF’s actions than some of her peers; certainly she’s better than most at sounding believably concerned by the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza.

I'd argue that the time for her to signal an actual change in tactics/tone was actually letting a Palestinian speak on-stage at the DNC, but whatever.

At Forward, it's noted that the ubiquity of pro-Palestine protests means that the Overton window has shifted on the perception of Israel: But what’s interesting, at this point, is the way these protests are shifting our discourse and understanding of the situation over the long term. Friedland’s speech specifically criticized “the 336th day of Israel’s genocide in Gaza and 76th year of occupation,” implying that Israel’s entire existence is illegitimate and illegal. That position used to be fringe, so controversial as to be nearly unmentionable, but is creeping into the mainstream. Yet amidst many speeches about Gaza, no one really focuses on that particular detail’s growth in profile, helping it become a basic part of a pro-Palestinian message, increasingly easy for many people to accept as a necessary part of opposing the war.

Sarah Friedland's speech.

Chappell Roan's Rolling Stone profile covers why she refused to perform at the White House: Roan first revealed the declined invite during her set at Governors Ball in June. Dressed as the Statue of Liberty, she dedicated “My Kink Is Karma” to Joe Biden’s administration and said, “We want liberty, justice, and freedom for all. When you do that, that’s when I’ll come.” Then, referring to the famous lines on the Statue of Liberty’s pedestal — “Give me your tired, your poor; your huddled masses yearning to breath free” — she spoke out in support of trans rights, women’s rights, and freedom “for all oppressed people in occupied territories.”

Roan told Rolling Stone that when she first got the invite, she considered going — but not to perform. Instead, she wanted to read poetry in protest of the U.S. government’s support of Israel’s war in Gaza. “I had picked out some poems from Palestinian women,” Roan said. “I was trying to do it as tastefully as I could because all I wanted to do was yell. I had to find something that’s tasteful and to the point and meaningful, and not make it about me and how I feel.

The IDF has now confirmed that it mistakenly killed 3 hostages when they bombed Gaza back in November.

Despite intimidation from world leaders, South Africa will file genocide case against Israel next month. If you search "south africa genocide case" you may notice something interesting - all the Israeli news sources headlines have some version of "South Africa to delay genocide case due to lack of evidence" whereas US news sources focus on Israel lobbying the US to drop the genocide case. Middle Eastern news source headlines straightforwardly assert that South Africa will continue with the genocide case next month.
posted by toastyk at 8:05 AM on September 11 [15 favorites]

I have had a few generations to ask why my nation's foreign policy is so heavily tilted toward responding to every little thing in that part of the world

After having completed at minimum a biology degree with a minor in biological anthropology, I've come to believe it's the schism that came with the development of our species consciousness -- biologically speaking, not religiously.

I'm not even American and I have thought about this a lot too due to direct exposure to a rambling oddity also known as my father (RIP) up here in the backwoods of beautiful BC. Even up here, religiously Christian men have been ranting about the inevitable Holy War that's due to visit itself upon humanity (somehow because of Muslims... not capitalism, not pretending to end slavery and then reinventing it, not raping our species offspring at rates unprecedented due to unchecked industrial and technological growth, but Muslims... it's like South Park underpants gnome logic where Muslims = ?? = Holy War logic)

Anyhow, last I was reading it seems like our brains were the last anatomically modern feature to develop ~200,000 years ago following bipedalism which itself was preceded by fire and tool making by a few million years. Not preaching, just suggesting... that perhaps when our species came into resonance with our planet's efforts to achieve a sentient one, it came with a hefty pricetag. Survival is extremely hard and traumatic, and at the same time, being an infant in our species is also extremely hard and traumatic in ways that are not for other species. The hardest part seems to be about surviving to adulthood with our full mental capacities intact. Not damaged by trauma, negligence, abuse or any other regressive psychogenic conditioning.

The West is all about being the epitome of what our species can achieve. It forgets we've been capable of achieving our pinnacle for some 200,000 years when we originally "arrived" -- not to mention since before we could become "White" -- and maybe that's not true, but at least since the Neolithic ~12,000 years ago when we became "set" as a globally distributed species. Until we can reconcile how we diverge from that trajectory upon birth in our modern culture, we seem doomed to stay on the merry-go-round of religiosity (or any of its adaptations) and its refuge of self-righteous entitlement for narcissistic and psychopathic personality types. If we continue on exhibiting collective behavior at the level of a bacterial species heading into its decline and death phase, we will have proven ourselves unworthy of being here. We have to evolve beyond this, and I sincerely believe its by doing the Shadow Work that has accompanied our species since its inception of consciousness on this planet. We are not here to die but continue the journey, and when we've gotten the realignment of our attunement to attachment in all our relationships on this planet not just white but right, we will outgrow this schism and its Holy War premonitions which have always been the ghosts of broken attachments carried forward via the underlying subconscious tide from our ancestors' cradles to the grave.
posted by human ecologist at 8:10 AM on September 11 [2 favorites]

Don't hold your breath, it's not paired with any policy moves: (CNA) Blinken demands overhaul of Israeli conduct in West Bank after killing of US protester
In his strongest comments to date criticising the security forces of Washington's closest Middle East ally, Blinken described Eygi's killing as "unprovoked and unjustified". He said Washington would insist to the Israeli government that it makes changes to how its forces operate in the West Bank.

Straits Times: Shots fired, bulldozers rammed cars during UN standoff with Israeli military in Gaza

A follow-up on the earlier news about planted fake news in foreign press, from +972: Why did a British Jewish newspaper publish fake Israeli intelligence?
Israel’s army suspects fabrications published in the Jewish Chronicle were part of a pro-Bibi influence campaign, while the article’s author is not as he claims.

The Israeli army seems to be treating the two articles, in the Jewish Chronicle and Bild, as connected, and has opened an internal investigation to try and find the source of the leaks and fabrications. According to Bergman in Ynet, the military suspects that whoever is responsible is seeking to influence Israeli public opinion in favor of Netanyahu, just as mass Israeli protests for a hostage deal threaten to scuttle his attempts to keep the war raging. As a military official with knowledge of the army’s investigation told Bergman definitively: “This is an influence campaign on … the Israeli public … and we are determined to find the person or entity behind it.”

Hopefully this investigation actually yields proper findings - chances are good, since it doesn't involve Palestinians/IDF upper echelon apparently hates Netanyahu's guts

Anyway: To those familiar with the Jewish Chronicle’s coverage in recent years, revelations that it has published inaccurate and politically motivated reporting will not come as much of a surprise. Following a murky takeover in 2020, the paper’s output and editorial tone — which was already right-wing — has become increasingly sensationalist under the stewardship of editor Jake Wallis Simons, who is a frequent guest on Britain’s biggest news and politics shows. But these revelations point to something far deeper than straightforward partisanship and a bit of sloppiness.

Serious questions remain over what the Jewish Chronicle knew or didn’t know about Perry’s fake identity, as well as how much both the British newspaper and Bild were aware of the apparently deceitful origins of the intelligence that their reports presented as fact. Even if they weren’t, there is no excuse for both newspapers failing to do basic verification prior to publication. The result, whether wittingly or unwittingly, was to gift Netanyahu the perfect silver bullet to continue staving off public and international pressure for a hostage deal that would end the war.

Haaretz opinion (ungated) America's Support of Netanyahu Is Killing Us All -
In their insistence on uncritical support for Israel's actions, and in stark contrast to the Israelis protesting the deaths of hostages whom the government could have saved, American Jews are actually bolstering Israel's worst enemy – Netanyahu

Netanyahu has clearly positioned himself as an ally to the Republican party, while some observers have alleged that he delaying a hostage deal to deny the current administration an achievement and help Donald Trump win the elections. So why has the U.S. government not forced his hand to take a deal, rescuing Israeli hostages, some of whom are dual American citizens, and thus also preventing Palestinian casualties? It is disingenuous to argue that the U.S. cannot enforce policy, when it provides the weapons for Israel's wars.

In Israel, demonstrators have held signs addressing Biden directly, recognizing that Biden cares deeply about the fate of hostages. Netanyahu seem to views the hostages as an inconvenience, and mostly, as people who would never vote for him. Biden, a staunch supporter of Israel and its people, should recognize that Netanyahu is actively blocking the hostage release, and heed the cries to circumvent Netanyahu or force his hand.

In a different world, American Jewish institutions would rally behind the protesters in Israel. Instead of chanting "Bring Them Home," they would advocate, lobby and threaten to withhold support, if Israeli policymakers did not sign on to a deal to actually bring them home. Rather than quietly holding vigils for dead hostages, they would publicly criticize the man who thwarted the deal that would have allowed them to return safely.

Media and advocacy groups focused on doxing service workers who might be sporting a flag of Palestine or wearing a keffiyeh, could have instead worked to replace the government in power at the time of the largest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust. Rather than lobbying charges of antisemitism against anti-war college protestors, many of whom are Jews themselves, the ADL could have worked to harness support for a hostage agreement.

As Israeli academics in American universities, we have watched in horror as our pro-peace advocacy has been portrayed as antisemitism, and our Palestinian allies vilified. We continue to maintain that supporting Israel does not mean supporting its flawed policies and its failed leaders.

Kind of funny to read those two articles together while I still have this handwringing article from New Yorker still open in my tab: The Angst and Sorrow of Jewish Currents

Anyway, Democracy Now: Rachel Corrie’s Parents Mourn Death of Ayşenur Eygi, Warn of Israeli Military Cover-Up

New Arab: Gaza: Children’s hair greying, falling out from shock and trauma

AP: The UN chief calls the death and destruction in Gaza the worst he’s seen

Euro-Med Monitor: Gaza: Amid int’l silence, Israeli army kills entire families in Khan Yunis ‘safe zone’ using US-made bombs

Haaretz: The Destroyed Streets in Nur Shams and Tul Karm Leave No Room for Doubt. The West Bank Is a War Zone

This should go to the US response thread as well, methinks: (HuffPost) A Secretive Conference About The Middle East’s Future Featured No Palestinians -
The Middle East-America Dialogue summit concluded over cocktails on Monday night as Israel launched strikes on a tent camp of displaced Palestinians in Gaza

DCI-P: Targeting childhood: Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank (new report)
20 percent of the Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, since 2000 have been killed after October 7, 2023 at a rate of one child every two days, Defense for Children International - Palestine said in a report released today.

The report, “Targeting Childhood: Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank,” details and analyzes Palestinian child fatalities in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between October 7, 2023, and July 31, 2024. Israeli forces routinely targeted Palestinian children with live ammunition and aerial attacks, prevented ambulances and paramedics from reaching wounded children, and confiscated children’s bodies in violation of international law.

NYT: How a Single Family Was Shot Dead on a Street in Gaza

I'm just marvelling at the whole piece. Almost 14 mins hither and yon with no real conclusions other than these people were shot and their bodies summarily bulldozed into a pile with other rubble days later. My mistake of course - they did title their video investigation as How, not Who Shot Them.
posted by cendawanita at 10:45 AM on September 11 [15 favorites]

I thought Harris was as clear as she could be last night: a two-state solution, of course the Israelis are going to defend themselves, but too many innocent lives have been lost. There's just no way being more forceful on the issue is going to gain her net votes. I understand that may sound too cynical/transactional for many of you, but there you have it. She could have called out Netanyahu specifically for both effectively creating Hamas and delaying any kind of real solution, but that's a needle to thread in that it leaves her open to blatant misinterpretation.
posted by outgrown_hobnail at 1:47 PM on September 11 [1 favorite]

outgrown_hobnail, this probably belongs in the US response thread rather than the thread about the situation in Gaza.
posted by pattern juggler at 3:19 PM on September 11 [3 favorites]

I dont believe I hell, but Joe Fucking Biden and his toadies belong there forever. Their bottomless support of the Hitlerian Netanyahu is beyond despicable. What is being done to Gazans and now residents of the West Bank is a stain on America that will not be erased. The article re: targeting children is so so awful. Its Nazi/Stalin/PolPot/Mao level evil. I cannot imagine how the Palestinians keep going. I'm desperately hoping the VP changes this and ends the genocide. I'm probably delusional about it...
posted by WatTylerJr at 4:56 PM on September 11 [3 favorites]

Hey, I made a new US/Middle East post.
posted by toastyk at 7:08 AM on September 12 [4 favorites]

It's struck me (...again...) that perhaps the Global War on Terror was also bad news for Israel because it seems that a significant portion of its hasbara requires westerners to be illiterate in Arabic and to take these Middle East natives word for it:--

Shot: ToI : Gallant reveals document from top Hamas commander warning Sinwar of dire losses
IDF strikes Hamas command center in Nuseirat school-turned-shelter, announces earlier killings of Hamas operatives who participated in Oct. 7, guarded hostage Noa Marciano

Chaser: QudsNews: Israeli defense minister falsely claims Hamas collapse in displayed document: Here’s what the document actually said
However, the actual content of the letter, written in Arabic, contains no such information regarding the military capabilities of Hamas. Instead, it focuses on internal discussions concerning a prisoner exchange deal.

Well, I guess this is an improvement over, "pointing at a handwritten schedule with the calendar days and say those are names of people". I do appreciate a recycling regiment.

BBC Verify: Satellite images show how Israel is paving key Gaza road
“Paving the road puts pressure on negotiators and mediators. The Israelis are trying to create a fait accompli,” says Dr Krieg.

“It also suggests that Israel is not going to withdraw entirely from the Gaza strip any time soon,” he says.

He cites a road built earlier this year by Israeli forces across northern Gaza - known as the Netzarim Corridor.

"If you look at the investments made in the Netzarim Corridor, it's clear they have no intention of withdrawing anytime soon, they've got concrete barriers, forward operating bases with towers and walls - you don't build those if you're planning on withdrawing.”

Also from last week:
Haaretz: Israeli Hostages' Families Say pro-Netanyahu Channel Told Them Coalition Trumps Deal -
Channel 14 executives told families a deal to release their loved ones won't happen because it would bring down the government

Amnesty: Israel/OPT: Israeli military must be investigated for war crime of wanton destruction in Gaza – new investigation

- Farms bulldozed and apartment blocks demolished across eastern Gaza
- Satellite imagery and social media videos reveal extent of destruction
- Thousands of homes destroyed and land left uninhabitable

I totally missed sharing this: Pew Research: Many Israelis say social media content about the Israel-Hamas war should be censored
While Israelis’ overall social media use has not changed much since 2022, the percentage who say they post or share about social or political issues at least sometimes has decreased from 36% to 22% in that time.

Arab Israelis are more likely than Jewish Israelis to say they post or share about political or social issues at least sometimes (28% vs. 20%). However, Jews are about twice as likely as Arabs to do so about the Israel-Hamas war specifically (20% vs. 11%). About a quarter of Arab Israelis (24%, a plurality among those asked) say they never post or share content about the war. Only 6% of Jewish Israelis say the same.

Since October, Israeli authorities have detained dozens of Arab citizens over their social media posts related to the war. Many others have faced disciplinary measures at work or school for things they shared online, according to rights groups based in Israel.

FYI, Zeteo posted their (paid content) film/doc on this whole war crime scrapbooking nonsense: Reel Israel. Disclaimer: I haven't watched it myself.
posted by cendawanita at 9:39 AM on September 12 [5 favorites]

Oh, really? In Hebrew or this summary from Itay Epshtain:
BREAKING: The Government of #Israel submits to the High Court of Justice that after 11 months of - debilitating and atrocious war in #Gaza - it has not accomplished 'effective control' in any part of Gaza, has not displaced any of Hamas's governmental functions, and is therefore not the occupying power (with commensurate obligations under #IHL).

Hmmm, the rock of admitting this is the worst modern military the western order has provided the world, or the hard place of admitting war crimes. Tough choice.
posted by cendawanita at 12:15 PM on September 12 [5 favorites]

¿Por qué no los dos?
posted by flabdablet at 1:03 PM on September 12 [5 favorites]

Looks like a third American has set themselves on fire in protest of Israel's actions, this time in Boston
posted by Noisy Pink Bubbles at 5:18 PM on September 12 [4 favorites]

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