the end and the beginning of history
September 19, 2024 10:51 AM   Subscribe

"It is not often that one in the process of learning of, or reading, a book develops three different opinions about the book. I have heard of Lea Ypi’s Free after it became an international bestseller. I was even then somewhat intrigued by the topic, an autobiographical story of growing up in Albania at “the end of history”, given that Albania was somewhat of a black box (because of the isolationist policies followed by its long-time president Enver Hoxha). Yet since I had a uniform negative view about any personal reminiscences coming out of Eastern Europe, I was almost sure not to read the book? Why such mistrust?" Branko Milanovic with a thoughtful review of Lea Ypi's awardwinning Free: Coming of Age at the End of History.
posted by mittens (3 comments total) 16 users marked this as a favorite
Sounds promising. I'll be picking up a copy from my local library this weekend.
posted by ivan ivanych samovar at 1:39 PM on September 19 [2 favorites]

I loved that book! Growing up in a 'communist' country also, I have so many childhood memories that match up with hers in almost eerie ways. There are episodes in the book that are just brilliantly written, like the fight with their previously-close neighbor over the provenance of an empty Coca-Cola can. That story is both bleakly humorous and touching in a most human way.

(In fact when NYT was letting readers to nominate their own 'best of this century' reads, this was my first entrance.)
posted by of strange foe at 8:36 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

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