"It's time once again to ask... WHERE IS HE NOW?"
September 20, 2024 5:19 AM   Subscribe

In 2021, House House, the makers of Untitled Goose Game, created a proof-of-concept for an animation series involving the Goose and its hapless victims. It never made it to production, but they've released the proof-of-concept animation to Youtube. So for just four minutes of your time, please journey back to the beleaguered village, and watch the Untitled Goose Programme. (Previously and first on Untitled Goose Game)
posted by JHarris (20 comments total) 20 users marked this as a favorite
Still one of the best co-op games. Be right bastards together.
posted by seanmpuckett at 5:36 AM on September 20 [7 favorites]

posted by Fleebnork at 5:57 AM on September 20 [7 favorites]

I can see why they killed this idea; UGG works so well because the people are so abstract and the goose isn't necessarily evil; they just have their own inscrutable goose agenda. Humanizing the villagers, though? Now the goose is just an asshole, and I'm less interested in playing Untitled Asshole Game. ok, I'd completely play Untitled Asshole Game, but it's a different kind of thing, right
posted by phooky at 6:01 AM on September 20 [7 favorites]

inscrutable goose agenda

I have never used a sock puppet on MeFi before, but now I have a fine name for one!
posted by JHarris at 6:07 AM on September 20 [18 favorites]

I legitimately laughed out loud when the goose grabbed the carrot, paused, and then just YEETED it through the shed window. Absolutely perfect timing.

I'm still laughing a little now.
posted by Mr. Bad Example at 6:11 AM on September 20 [6 favorites]

But the goose is supposed to be the PROTAGONIST
posted by mittens at 6:22 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

Ahhh, relaxing 70s nostalgia for futura fonts, beige-scale text ombrés and vox pops held by naive everymaHONK
posted by lalochezia at 6:31 AM on September 20 [2 favorites]

I liked this.

Then YouTube auto-followed it with this, which I liked even better.

posted by flabdablet at 6:52 AM on September 20 [4 favorites]

I have never used a sock puppet on MeFi before
That we know of.

If you liked Untitled Goose Game, you'll probably also like Thank Goodness You're Here, which is also published by Panic. It's a very simple, very charming and very surreal game.
posted by plinth at 7:07 AM on September 20 [6 favorites]

Hats off to the people who managed to beat all of the tasks in a given zone within the six minute period before the bell rings.
posted by dr_dank at 7:13 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

The aesthetic is absolutely spot-on British afternoon telly, mid 1970s. The format, the logos, the announcer, the graphics, even the slight crapness of the presenter. Delightful.
posted by Hogshead at 7:17 AM on September 20 [2 favorites]

The second the presenter opened his mouth, I knew he was voiced by Bishopbriggs' favourite son, Davey "Swatpaz" Ferguson. And indeed, Swatpaz is credited as "Starring, written and storyboarded" here. He apparently did some voice work for Thank Goodness You're Here!, but since I can't even get out of the opening screen of that one, I'll likely never hear it.

Swatpaz (there's a previously, but it's from 2011 so all the links are dead) is top class entertainment. Some of my favourites from his early work: Davey and Andy (2006), drippy chippy (2007), piece and pound coins (2007).
posted by scruss at 7:18 AM on September 20

Game. ok, I'd completely play Untitled Asshole Game

Entitled Asshole Game, surely.
posted by pwnguin at 7:59 AM on September 20 [8 favorites]

> But the goose is supposed to be the PROTAGONIST

Let's annihilate the tagonist binary. the goose is neither pro nor anti. They are Goose.

As someone who believed that the swan was the true main character of Hot Fuzz, I feel seen.
posted by Sauce Trough at 8:52 AM on September 20 [2 favorites]

The goose is an antihero.
posted by plinth at 8:57 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

For some reason this conversation put Haddaway into my brain. "What is Goose? Baby, don't hurt me. Don't hurt me, no more."

It's going to be a long Friday.
posted by Abehammerb Lincoln at 9:15 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

Game. ok, I'd completely play Untitled Asshole Game

Entitled Asshole Game, surely.

Those games have entirely different ESRB ratings!

Always a good time to link Daniel Lavery's I Am The Horrible Goose That Lives In The Town.
posted by praemunire at 9:53 AM on September 20 [3 favorites]

plinth, I am so glad you mentioned Thank Goodness You're Here. I actually like it better! It's much less frustrating than UGG - I found myself tying the goose in impossible knots around the puzzles until I was angry rather than entertained - and also I am local to the setting, which makes it doubly funny.

Definitely try TGYH! Warning, some parts of it show signs of coming from a disturbed mind, though.
posted by HypotheticalWoman at 10:29 AM on September 20 [1 favorite]

It's very true to life. Domestic geese are huge a-holes. We had one on our ranch who delighted in biting my grandfather as often as possible. He would step out of the den door and we would hear "HONK" followed by "GODDAMMIT, GREASY!!"

His name was Greasy because he had a dark spot on the back of his neck that my grandfather thought was a grease spot. Turns out it wasn't, but it was a really good name.

I still miss that goose. And my grandfather.

Hopefully, that goose is in Heaven, still plaguing my grandfather.
posted by JustSayNoDawg at 4:41 PM on September 20 [5 favorites]

I can see why they didn't make any more Untitled Goose Programme, but the pilot raised a few laughs here, lovely stuff.

UGG works so well because the people are so abstract and the goose isn't necessarily evil; they just have their own inscrutable goose agenda. Humanizing the villagers, though? Now the goose is just an asshole, and I'm less interested in playing Untitled Asshole Game.

My somewhat lawful-good-alignment son had this problem with the game itself when he was playing it aged 11, he didn't want to be mean to the villagers. We justified the goose's actions by suggesting that the village was obviously classic Brexit voter territory, after which he went absolutely full-on-mayhem goose-terrorist and ticked off every single achievement including the time trials.
posted by tomsk at 2:42 AM on September 21 [6 favorites]

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