"We got such a whole appreciation of the world of music"
September 23, 2024 4:51 PM   Subscribe

"Wendy and Lisa are veteran composers and singer-songwriters. They were integral members of Prince's Revolution ...They talk with us about their 40-plus year partnership, and their Emmy award-winning work as composers. They'll reflect on their childhood friendship and the work their fathers contributed as members of The Wrecking Crew. And of course, what it was like to collaborate with Prince, and work on some of his most iconic records." An interview with Jesse Thorn at Bullseye.
posted by Brandon Blatcher (10 comments total) 21 users marked this as a favorite
The post title is quote from Lisa that occurs about 14:08 into the interview as they both talk about how much music was part of their childhood years.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 4:52 PM on September 23

Their fathers were in The Wrecking Crew?? I had no idea -- off to listen to this!!!
posted by wenestvedt at 5:05 PM on September 23 [6 favorites]

Wendy and Lisa are lifelong heroes of mine. Their solo records are wonderful and underrated by miles. A few years ago, Wendy shredded a solo on her knees directly into my face with the Revolution on their reunion tour, and it was one of my most heart-stopping moments ever. That being said, the best news in here is that Annie Lennox is making something new.

(Please finish it. Please.)
posted by mykescipark at 5:18 PM on September 23 [8 favorites]

This is going to the top of The Pile, podcast section. I had such a crush on them both back in the day.
posted by Halloween Jack at 5:26 PM on September 23

If you've used the app within the last few months you're probably aware they're also hosting a Prince-themed AirBnB experience.
posted by gottabefunky at 5:28 PM on September 23 [1 favorite]

Yes, Lisa?
Is the water warm enough?
Yes, Lisa
Shall we begin?
Yes, Lisa”
posted by cybrcamper at 5:35 PM on September 23 [1 favorite]

When I first watched Toys I was so transported by the Closing of the Year piece -- as in, shivers down my spine -- I had to look up the singer and from there fell in love with their music, both the vocals and instrumentals.
posted by seanmpuckett at 5:46 PM on September 23 [3 favorites]

Saw the Purple Rain tour after camping out for two days on a sidewalk to get tickets. [That's a thing people used to do before TicketBastard took over everything.] After Sign O' The Times I was shocked to hear from them in the Toys Soundtrack. I love everything they've done that I've encountered and I'm glad to hear about this interview. And yes, please finish the Lennox project as it's been nearly 4 years now.
posted by hippybear at 6:45 PM on September 23 [1 favorite]

A version of this interview originally aired in June of 2021.

So it's not fresh news about working with Annie Lennox.
posted by k3ninho at 12:20 AM on September 24

RIP, Cat Glover. "Cat! We need you to rap!"
posted by DirtyOldTown at 11:19 AM on September 25

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