"I can feel the pinch. Something pointed that should be round."
September 27, 2024 12:16 PM   Subscribe

Two very different short stories about romantic relationships and change. "The Manifesto" by Ilse Eskelsen, published in Lunch Ticket Summer/Fall 2024: "Elizabeth sucked her bottom lip. She sprinkled cheese over another pizza. Eventually, she asked, 'How do you make guys think you’re smart?'" A girl reads The Communist Manifesto to impress a boy; it works, at first. "Transmogrification" by R.M. Pérez-Padilla, fantasy, published in July 2024 in The Future Fire: "It speaks to how freaked out I am that I told her about it at all." A trans person starts to notice changes in how other people look, especially when they're transphobic. (Content note: transphobic language/behavior, bodyhorror.) Interview with the author and the illustrator.
posted by brainwane (2 comments total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
(Those last 2 links seem to work in some browsers and not others, I think because the TLS/SSL on press.futurefire.net isn't working quite right.)
posted by brainwane at 12:18 PM on September 27

I mean, Grant isn’t wrong, but he’s also an asshole.
posted by GenjiandProust at 2:51 PM on September 27

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