a hatchery, a smelter, a DJ, and hope
October 8, 2024 8:03 AM   Subscribe

Before & after the end of the world: three speculative fiction stories. "The Day Comes" by Shih-Li Kow (2023, Heartlines Spec): "When I took on the job as the singular employee of Kertih Turtle Sanctuary, the Delphi Visionary Forecast prediction for the end of the world was at forty months." Just after: "And Sneer of Cold Command" by Premee Mohamed (2017, The Sockdolager): "After it was over, the city squares began to boast statues of our conquerors—hasty, ugly things cast in brittle bronze." Further after: "The Wedding of Hope Garrison and Chevrolet Dodge Ford" by R.W.W. Greene, in text and audio (2024, Metaphorosis): "Hank would have bet his fee that she hadn’t heard anything but live music her whole life..."
posted by brainwane (1 comment total) 10 users marked this as a favorite
Mohamed’s Beneath the Rising really disappointed me after all the praise it received, but I liked this story — compact, ambiguous, and very evocative. Maybe I’ll try another novel.
posted by GenjiandProust at 10:20 AM on October 8 [2 favorites]

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