Ed Yong, Journalist, Author, Birder, Shares his Journey
October 11, 2024 1:20 PM   Subscribe

Ed Yong gives a more personal talk than his usual fare, describing the overall arc of his journalism on COVID, the principles he follows, and where he goes from here. Previously, previously, previously.
posted by toastyk (5 comments total) 28 users marked this as a favorite
As a public health worker through the pandemic, I found a lot of the pandemic writing and reporting to be frustrating, misguided, bizarrely axe-grinding, or flat-out incorrect. Except for Ed Yong, whose pieces spoke with a stunning clarity and self-awareness.

This is a wonderful talk, and he seems intelligent and kind in equal measure.
posted by entropone at 1:48 PM on October 11 [10 favorites]

It was wonderful to be in the fully masked live audience for this talk. XOXO had some terrific safety rules folded into their accessibility mandate and it came with an incredible sense of freedom.
posted by foxtongue at 9:27 PM on October 11 [10 favorites]

I have little to add here. I loved Ed Yong's An Immense World and XOXO's line-up of speakers each year makes it the conference I hate to miss the most. So thanks to them for providing videos, and thanks toastyk for posting!
posted by bigendian at 1:33 AM on October 12 [2 favorites]

I never watch talky videos. I have never watched a single Ted Talk. But I knew Ed Yong would be worth watching. Sitting here crying for what we have done to each other.

For those who need the reminder The Millions of People Stuck in Pandemic Limbo: What does society owe immunocompromised people?
posted by hydropsyche at 4:17 AM on October 12 [5 favorites]

XOXO's line-up of speakers each year makes it the conference I hate to miss the most.

It's always a fascinating mix of presenters but I never figured out the logic of attending without feeling like a fraud working for large government institutions or Fortune 50 companies. And I guess the silver lining of ending XOXO is now I don't have to? Either way, happy to see the 2024 vids landing on YouTube, where I can admire from afar.
posted by pwnguin at 11:58 AM on October 12

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