It's Legal to Execute Innocent People in the US
October 17, 2024 6:50 PM   Subscribe

Robert Roberson Will be Executed Because It's Legal to Execute Innocent People in the U.S. Tonight, Texas was scheduled to execute Robert Roberson, who would have been (will be?) the first person executed based on the shaken baby syndrome hypothesis.

While at the time of this posting, it's unclear what will happen in Mr. Roberson's case, two things are clear: 1) individuals with strong claims of innocence continue to be executed in the United States; and 2) people are convicted of assaulting infants based on the controversial shaken baby syndrome theory in courtrooms across America.
posted by likeatoaster (8 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Disgusting. Appalling. Hard to comprehend.
posted by glaucon at 8:01 PM on October 17

Can we make a law that, IDK, the VICTIM'S IMMEDIATE FAMILY HAS A RIGHT TO GRANT CLEMENCY IN DEATH PENALTY CASES REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE STATE SAYS? Fuck the state. If the family is ready to not kill, then the state shouldn't. Like I generally oppose the death penalty, but at the very least, if the actual victims don't want to kill them, maybe that should be a right they have. Goddamn these murderous "pro-life" thugs. "Law" and "Respectabilty" and "Deterrence" and "The State Can't Make a Mistake, Even if it Does."
posted by symbioid at 8:09 PM on October 17 [2 favorites]

It's an extraordinary tell that people whose general philosophy is supposedly that the government shouldn't have too much power are a-okay with state-sanctioned murder.
posted by mollweide at 8:16 PM on October 17 [8 favorites]

One of the many bizarre things about the Roberson case is that earlier this month in a different shaken baby case, the CCA overturned the conviction on the grounds that shaken baby syndrome is junk science. I really thought they would halt Roberson's execution after that.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 8:17 PM on October 17 [2 favorites]

as long as it's legal to execute anyone, innocent people will get executed, because shit happens, mistakes get made, agendas get pushed. Get with the civilized world, USA.
posted by philip-random at 9:23 PM on October 17 [2 favorites]

So glad this was updated with tonight’s news!
posted by lepus at 9:45 PM on October 17

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