Even in the darkest stories, I’m looking for the light
November 20, 2024 1:21 AM   Subscribe

I can’t think of a single role where I would say, Man, that’s me. Entirely me? No, no. First of all, they’re lines that you read and you learn, and that’s how that person talks. Sure, there has to be pieces of what you’ve done in who you are, and hopefully there’s pieces of who you are in what you’ve done. My mother used to say, Boy, you got to smile more, because if you don’t, people think you’re angry. So I had something in me. from The Book of Denzel [Esquire; ungated]
posted by chavenet (1 comment total) 8 users marked this as a favorite
I recently saw Roman J. Israel, Esq. which I hadn't seen before because the film was mostly panned. It's such a heartfelt, powerful performance, a meditation on having deeply held moral convictions in an unjust world and the relentless uphill climb to align the world with those convictions. It's particularly relevant to our times and recommended despite the mixed reviews.
posted by thoughtful_jester at 12:42 PM on November 20, 2024 [5 favorites]

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