So, how big
June 11, 2000 2:07 PM   Subscribe

So, how big did you say that app needed to be? Radsoft Labs knocks a Windows DNS client down from 3.5MB to 7*KB*. [Via RISKS Digest.]
posted by baylink (3 comments total)
Yeah, but at 7 KB it has all the same flaws as the windows app. I say, make it a full 30 KB and improve it. :)

What the hell does all that extraneous crap do? Pulsate subliminal messages into your brain via your retina, using the patterns of light to access your brain like a computer and turn you into a drone-slave of Gates? Or just sit there like fat in a burrito?
posted by Ezrael at 2:18 PM on June 11, 2000 explains the same thing on their site.

And RISKS had their previous bloatware article about RegClean from May 1999 authored by RA Downes at Radsoft.
posted by tomalak at 4:32 PM on June 11, 2000

here's the stat's on the resolver on my laptop:
rmiller@tessier~$ ls -l /usr/bin/fwhois
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root bin 5232 Oct 21 1999 /usr/bin/fwhois*

of course, this doesn't include anything half as cool as a dialogue box.
posted by katchomko at 12:53 AM on June 12, 2000

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