I sure hope these guys aren't the only ones
October 12, 2002 7:34 AM   Subscribe

I sure hope these guys aren't the only ones who will be voting next month.
posted by donfactor (37 comments total)
Boy are you right! I hope all good conservatives, no matter what their religious beliefs or lack of, get out there and vote! :-)
posted by Plunge at 7:43 AM on October 12, 2002

Agreed Plunge. The more conservatives that vote, the better off we all are. Thanks for the link donfactor.
posted by Witty at 7:47 AM on October 12, 2002

Right, because "If God is in fact separated from the government, then we can never possibly have a godly government" and "There's no way for America to be good if she's not godly" really sum up the true spirit of America.
posted by password at 8:09 AM on October 12, 2002

I agree we should not separate god from government. Any god. All the gods should be allowed to partake of government. The christian god and the jewish god and the muslim god and all those wiccan gods and goddesses. Screw the United Nations. Let's run this planet under the United Celestial Body.

Left to their own devices, human beings just throw rocks at each other anyway.
posted by ZachsMind at 8:12 AM on October 12, 2002

My views are taken to the United Celestial Body by the Aztec representative Mr. Huitzilopochtli of the Mexicana.
posted by Lord Chancellor at 8:16 AM on October 12, 2002

I, for one, welcome our new United Celestial overlords.
posted by alumshubby at 8:23 AM on October 12, 2002

One god, one vote.
posted by skryche at 8:27 AM on October 12, 2002

my heart actually sank reading this article and what few comments are already here. maybe I've just been battling at ann coulter's message board too much, but at which point did conservatism stop being about morality and values and start being about becoming the anti-liberalism task force?
posted by mcsweetie at 8:33 AM on October 12, 2002

On getting the libbers out: "You will be doing the Lord's work, and he will richly bless you for it." Thanks, Senator Inhofe. Didn't they say something like that in the Crusades, right before the mass slaughter?
posted by jennanemone at 8:44 AM on October 12, 2002

at which point did conservatism stop being about morality and values and start being about becoming the anti-liberalism task force?

No, it stopped being about fiscal responsibility, states rights, and small government. When you are for morality and values you cannot help but be against immorality, if you can't find any good immorality then you make some.

I guess morality and values plays well with people, that seems to be where the republicans like to talk. In reality I think the shift in the republican party was from a semi-libertarian view to a pro-corporate system with morals and family values as cover for the easily distracted.

In reality I think the shift in the democratic party was from a semi-populist view to a pro-corporate system with opposition to the republicans and women's rights as cover for the easily distracted.
posted by rhyax at 8:53 AM on October 12, 2002

Boy are you right! I hope all good conservatives, no matter what their religious beliefs or lack of, get out there and vote! :-)

posted by oissubke at 8:54 AM on October 12, 2002

"One god, one vote."

ALLRIGHT! since most of the pagans are liberals they'll have many gods many votes, i like this new system already.
posted by NGnerd at 9:02 AM on October 12, 2002

On getting the libbers out: "You will be doing the Lord's work, and he will richly bless you for it." Thanks, Senator Inhofe

on behalf of the non-religious-right citizenry in senator inhofe's district, i apologize, jennanemone. we're doing our best, but we're badly outnumbered.

we need a movement to relocate progressives from the coasts to tulsa. c'mon guys, take one for the team.
posted by lescour at 9:17 AM on October 12, 2002

Anyone else notice that that photo of Bush addressing the convention via a giant tv screen looks eerily similar to Apple's 1984 commercial?
posted by EmoChild at 9:25 AM on October 12, 2002

All we need is a giant nordic hammer-throwing lady.
posted by originalname37 at 9:30 AM on October 12, 2002

The christian god and the jewish god and the muslim god

Are the same god. Sorry.

However, there are thousands of others, if you know where to look.
posted by ginz at 9:32 AM on October 12, 2002

"One god, one vote."

ALLRIGHT! since most of the pagans are liberals they'll have many gods many votes, i like this new system already.

Ah, but this would at the same time disenfranchise atheists. However, since they seem to be sprinkled on both sides of the political spectrum, I wounder which party would gain advantage for this.

Camaxtli 2004 for the UCC!!
posted by Lord Chancellor at 9:56 AM on October 12, 2002

I hope lots of them vote. I hope they all do. Along with oodles democrats, and socialists, and John Birchers, too. Thats what a democratic vote is all about.
posted by jammer at 9:58 AM on October 12, 2002

"The christian god and the jewish god and the muslim god

Are the same god. Sorry. "

sorry, ginz , i have to disagree. this is a line that gets thrown around all the time, but it's not really true.

jesus and mithras are the same god, zeus and jupiter are the same god, but god, g-d, and allah are actually quite different.

here are a few reasons why:

1) the jewish deity g-d says that the hebrews are his chosen people. if g-d and allah are the same deity, this implies that the chosen deity of muslims -- many of whom, though not all, are arabs -- speaks of the jews as his chosen people. (this opens a can of worms centered around the question of whether modern jews are fungible to the ancient hebrews...but that's a story for another time).

2) the koran flat out says that jesus didn't die on the cross and that he is human, and that christians are wrong to equate him with the godhead. if the koran is the word of allah and allah is the same as the christian god, we have a situation wherein the christian god is saying there's no such thing as christianity.

3) the koran makes references to djinn, a race of beings quite different from angels or humans. i think there's a passage in the koran wherein allah addresses both djinn and men on the final day of judgement. where are the christian god making references to djinn or the jewish g-d addressing djinn?

there are more differences than these, but they are the three that come to my mind right now. i'm no theologist, but my readings of the christian bible, the koran, and some parts of the torah (in connection with my study of the kabbalah), lead me to believe that it is wrong to say that g-d, god, and allah are the same being.
posted by lord_wolf at 10:18 AM on October 12, 2002

Can someone please tell me what the point of this FPP is? "Here are a bunch of people whose politics I don't like!" Okay. So?

The thread, predictably, has wandered around, gotten lost a couple of times, had lunch, and is now snoozing in the back of a church, snoring loudly.
posted by Slithy_Tove at 10:42 AM on October 12, 2002

Emochild, amazing! I bet no other conventions with a video projection system have ever even remotely resembled the Apple commercial!

Slithy, you're right -- it was a dumb idea for a post, or very poorly executed, not to mention misinterpreting the point of the article -- which was that the Christian Right is much weaker than it used to be.
posted by dhartung at 10:47 AM on October 12, 2002

lord_wolf : a short reply, although I should give this discussion more thought, for it is an interesting one, but a bit off topic. (maybe someone could start a new thread, aah, but then, this is not a discussion board)

I think it's the same god, but people interpret most things differently.

the jewish deity g-d says that the hebrews are his chosen people

I don't think g-d said that, I think it's an interpretation.

the koran flat out says that jesus didn't die on the cross and that he is human, and that christians are wrong to equate him with the godhead

They say that jezus is a prophet, one of many. They don't believe he is the son of god.

the koran makes references to djinn

I don't know about djinn. Isn't it a kind of spirit?

I think it's one god, because of the similarities between the religions. They also originated in the same region, round about the same time. There weren't any other gods around in that region/period I believe.
So, the different religions sprouted from different interpretations. Just like the different interpretations within one religion.

But I'm not a theologist either.

why isn't theologist in the spellcheck dictionary?
posted by ginz at 11:30 AM on October 12, 2002

Would somebody 'splain to me how you legislate morality while keeping "big" government off of our backs?
posted by 2sheets at 11:53 AM on October 12, 2002

I have repeatedly voted conservatively, but I am definitely not one of the Christian Coalition. Now that that little tidbit of info is out...

Wasn't it the Christian Coalition the people who were handing out religious tracts to Jews a few years ago? Yet they are now preaching pro-Israel jibba-jabba? I don't get it.
posted by mychai at 11:59 AM on October 12, 2002

They are convinced that the establishment of the state of Israel is essential to bringing about the End Times™, and then the Rapture will take them away from this Vale of Tears, and later establish the political rule of Jesus Christ on Earth.

They give tracts to Jews because Jews are wrong and it pains them so to see the "chosen people" of the "Old" Testament to reject Christ and to consequently be thrown into the quite literal Lake of Fire.

It's all in the Bible
posted by goethean at 12:08 PM on October 12, 2002

why isn't theologist in the spellcheck dictionary?

...because the word you're looking for is theologian.
posted by Phatty Lumpkin at 12:23 PM on October 12, 2002

Thanks Phatty Lumpkin. I'll try to remember.
posted by ginz at 12:31 PM on October 12, 2002

End Times™

From the USPTO search engine:

Goods and Services (CANCELLED) IC 016. US 038. G & S: Religious Newssheet Primarily of Interest to Those of the Christian Faith.
FIRST USE: 19800102. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19800102
Mark Drawing Code (1) TYPED DRAWING
Serial Number 73256358
Filing Date March 27, 1980
Published for Opposition June 8, 1982
Registration Number 1207165
Registration Date September 7, 1982
Owner (REGISTRANT) American Board of Missions to the Jews, Inc. CORPORATION NEW YORK 100 Hunt Rd. Orangeburg NEW YORK 10962
Type of Mark TRADEMARK
Live/Dead Indicator DEAD
Cancellation Date April 7, 1989

Seeing as the mark was cancelled in April of 1989, I'm off to register End Times™ as a mark in reference to rapture, armageddon, &c. Muhahahah....
posted by nathan_teske at 12:51 PM on October 12, 2002

I think I mentioned this before in an old thread, but I actually feel sorry for the Christian right. The Republicans in power have basically hookwinked them into believing that they are going to help them with outlawing abortion, getting prayer in school etc. However, the fact of the matter is that the GOP does better at the polls with abortion legal, prayer in school banned, gay rights protected, etc. than it would do if they actually prevailed on any of these issues. The GOP does nothing and then blames it on the godless liberals. At the urging of Rush and Pat and Jerry, Christian right voters eat this up and then flock to the polls with righteous fury to reelect their Republican leaders. Meanwhile, these politicians actually get all their money from corporate interests and consequently spend all of there political captial on deregulation and corporate welfare, knowing that they can use the godless liberals as an excuse when their grassroots supporters wonder why they can't seem to do anything on social issues.

Most cultural conservatives are poor or lower middle class and would actually benefit more from Democratic economic policies than Republican ones. However, they continue to vote for mega-wealthy supply-side Republicans under the mistaken belief that these politicians give a rats ass about their cultural and moral concerns.

It's really quite sad when you think about it.
posted by boltman at 2:30 PM on October 12, 2002

As a Christian and as a Canadian I can't believe so many American Christians tie their faith with their nationalism. I'ts mind boggling to me. TRUE Christianity is NOT about enforcing christian principals on those who do not count themselves as christians through government power and law... but rather to introduce others to the faith we hold so dear and alow them to see the truth and choose for themselves. Just my two cents worth
posted by rampage at 2:58 PM on October 12, 2002

I think I mentioned this before in an old thread, but I actually feel sorry for the Christian right. The Republicans in power have basically hookwinked them into believing that they are going to help them

Sounds a lot like the far-left (the ones who didn't want to vote for Nader because they didn't want to "waste" their vote) that Democrats have hoodwinked into believing that they share the same concerns about environmentalism, globalization, gay rights, etc... The reality is that the majority of Americans have beliefs somewhere near the center of the spectrum and the mainstream political parties would never dare implement the ideas that their fringe elements believe in.
posted by gyc at 3:31 PM on October 12, 2002

TRUE Christianity is NOT about enforcing christian principals on those who do not count themselves as christians through government power and law... but rather to introduce others to the faith we hold so dear and alow them to see the truth and choose for themselves.

Hear Hear!

Inhofe has already stuck his foot in in his own ass way too many times. Once his wife lost her primary for senate, he called Tulsa voters "dumb". This guy sucks way too much for his own post. He's worthless.

In behalf of the non-religious-right citizenry in senator inhofe's district, i apologize,
lescour, i empathize with you completely, as a former Largent constiuent.
posted by Ufez Jones at 9:20 PM on October 12, 2002

"God did not cause the [9/11] attacks, she said, but they should teach the country a lesson. 'If we don't obey God, God's protection is lifted,' Meyer said."

I'll edit my post and just say bad theology.
posted by Easter_Lemming at 9:24 PM on October 12, 2002

Ufez Jones - Inhofe has already stuck his foot in in his own ass way too many times. Once his wife lost her primary for senate, he called Tulsa voters "dumb".
Actually, that would be Oklahoma's Governor, Frank Keating, not Inhofe.
posted by moosedogtoo at 11:06 AM on October 13, 2002

Dear Boltman

I wish I could completely agree with you. But this administration has been paying debts to its religious constituents. I can't come up with a list at this moment but just think of the government's approach to stem cell research and the tone of our attorney general for starters. I think someone has made the sort of list of recent presidential orders and legislation that pleases the extremists of the religious right -- maybe someone here can point us to it. But in the meantime we might look at local politics in the so-called bible belt: school board elections, etc.
posted by donfactor at 11:24 AM on October 13, 2002

What a peculiar picture selected of Roberta Combs. I wonder what the one who chose was trying to portray...
posted by aaronshaf at 8:02 PM on October 13, 2002

>> Ufez Jones - Inhofe has already stuck his foot in in his own ass way too many times. Once his wife lost her primary for senate, he called Tulsa voters "dumb".

> Actually, that would be Oklahoma's Governor, Frank Keating, not Inhofe.

That is correct, though Inhofe has done plenty of his own ass-footsticking in his time.

I, too, anticipate every opportunity I have to vote against this muthafucka. But, hey, he loves God so he must deserve to win. *sigh*
posted by Dirjy at 9:29 PM on October 13, 2002

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