Who's destined to be a millionaire?
October 18, 2002 4:11 PM   Subscribe

Who's destined to be a millionaire? A little Friday night Calvinism from the people at Marketplace.
posted by condour75 (11 comments total)
What kills me is if you look at the "correct" answers, #5c states that only 61% are "very satisfied with the way things are going in their life". If 4 out of 10 millionaires are not happy with their life, giving me the money may put a smile on their face. Large bills please . . .
posted by quadog at 4:28 PM on October 18, 2002

My chances of being a millionaire are less because I am in my 20s.

Had I been between 30 and 54, I had better chances of being a millionaire some day.

posted by Diddly at 4:46 PM on October 18, 2002

The Millionaire Next Door covers a lot of these issues but completely contradicts these findings. The bottom line is you become a millionaire by what you spend, not what you make.
posted by jragon at 5:27 PM on October 18, 2002

This is bogus. It says "%100 is the next millionaires make $135,000 a year or more". WTF? Many millionaires are owners of business who draw average salaries and make the money all at once when they sell the company or through stock options.
posted by stbalbach at 5:57 PM on October 18, 2002

!00% of the next millionaires will be the worlds next millionaires.
posted by philip_buster at 6:17 PM on October 18, 2002

Indeed, XQUZYPHYR, you are right. Sometimes it is called the "network effect". A possible model is presented here (pdf file).
posted by MzB at 8:57 PM on October 18, 2002

Screw millionaire. I'd be happy just to have a job.
posted by chipr at 10:38 PM on October 18, 2002

Indian Tribal Councils can admit non-Indians as members. Here's one get rich quick avenue: get admitted to a casino owning tribe. Or just hire some lobbyists and become your own tribe! Actual Indian lineage is helpfull but not necessarily required. Then start your own casino.

History shows, by the way, that one tried and true get rich quuick avenue is through paying bribes - or bribes in the form of hefty campaign contributions - to politicians who control zoning regs., and state/local resources in general.

Many cultures know this, including the Pacific Island Cargo Cultists who, during the late sixties, sent an emissary to the US with a $50,000 bribe for Lyndon Johnson. The bribe was to convince Johnson to divulge the "secrets of cargo". Johnson didn't buy this, refused the vbribe, and kept the "secrets of cargo" to himself. The cargo cultists were very close, though. They would have learned the "secrets of cargo" had they doled out the $ for lobbyists and campaign contributions to congress.
posted by troutfishing at 6:38 AM on October 19, 2002

Why, that's Calvinism!

(Someone had to say it.
posted by kindall at 10:18 AM on October 19, 2002

I scored a 15! I think I'll start a Cargo Cult.
posted by elwoodwiles at 1:23 PM on October 19, 2002

Sweet! 95 baby!

Umm....OK, so like, where's all the money?
posted by jalexei at 2:24 PM on October 19, 2002

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