October 28, 2002 11:39 PM   Subscribe

TRICK OR TREAT! Celebrate All Hallow's Eve by watching some great scary flicks on cable, including the premier of a newly restored print of a long lost Lon Chaney classic, LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT [1927], or F.W. Murnau's NOSFERATU [1922]. Or head out with all the other creatures of the night. You'll need to hurry and buy your mask, and your creepy contact lenses, your fake teeth, or maybe you just need a corpse...
posted by crunchland (9 comments total)
Cool! We get Turner Classic Movies here in Portugal so this definitely isn't an Americanocentric thing. Celebrating Halloween, like Valentine's Day, becomes more and more ingrained in European countries with every passing year - whereas thirty years ago neither had ever been heard of. Is this the creeping hand of Yankee Imperialism wrapping its slimy fingers over our olde worlde collars? Nah, just importing fun.
posted by MiguelCardoso at 11:47 PM on October 28, 2002

Hm. On closer examination, that newly restored print of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT appears to be a re-creation of the lost movie using 200 still photographs. Might be really interesting, or supremely disappointing....
posted by crunchland at 11:47 PM on October 28, 2002

The reconstructed Touch Of Evil was impressive, so I have hope for this version of London After Midnight.

Of course, being in the UK and not having TCM, it's not like I'll see it anytime soon...
posted by Katemonkey at 1:34 AM on October 29, 2002

The advance word I'm reading on the alt.movies.silent newsgroup is that it's interesting historically, but that's about as far as it goes. As I understand it, the reports from the last people to have seen the film (such as Wm. Everson and Georges Sadoul) before the last known print went up in smoke in the mid-60s were not exactly enthusiastic ones, so if the film ever does turn up (highly unlikely) it will almost certainly be hailed as a major disappointment. The people who've already seen the photographic reconstruction reckon it will reinforce that view. Still, I'm getting a friend in the US to tape it for me anyway...
posted by H.B. Death at 2:01 AM on October 29, 2002

If I see one more tricksy bulletin about the "the newly restored print" of LONDON AFTER MIDNIGHT I am going to go nitrate stock on someone's ass. Now, wake me up when they find all the missing William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton episodes of Doctor Who...
posted by PinkStainlessTail at 5:50 AM on October 29, 2002

Cinescape has a nice roundup of scary movies playing over the next week.
posted by kristin at 7:02 AM on October 29, 2002

All about Halloween.
posted by rushmc at 8:43 AM on October 29, 2002

You might want to re-think those novelty contact lenses: the FDA has put out a warning against wearing them. According to the Sunday edition of the Raleigh News and Observer (story is not on-line) high school student, Robyn Rose suffered through a year of treatment for an eye infection after wearing lenses bought at a grocery store, followed by a cornea transplant to save her eyesight. When it comes to contacts, one size does not fit all.
posted by Secret Life of Gravy at 8:45 AM on October 29, 2002

The issue with the contacts is that people are buying them who have never worn contacts, who don't know how to properly handle or care for them or how to acclimate themselves to them, and who are not involving an eye doctor in the process. I was alarmed to find out that you could get these things without a prescription, even if they aren't corrective. Theu do come in different sizes, for heaven's sake, and getting the one that fits your cornea seems like a good idea so you don't have edges rubbing where they're not supposed to rub.
posted by Songdog at 12:56 PM on October 29, 2002

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