Comic Thief Confronted
December 18, 2002 6:42 AM   Subscribe

Comic Thief Confronted Notorious Boston joke thief confronted, makes the Boston Herald, causes buzz, makes the comedy trade magazines. Why is the confrontation of a hack comic newsworthy? Because it almost NEVER HAPPENS.
posted by basilwhite (4 comments total)
This seems to be something comics gossip about a lot, but yeah, confrontation seems very rare. One comic I know says that everyone knows that Dennis Miller is notorious for lifting others' jokes, but I haven't heard this anywhere else yet.
posted by maudlin at 7:32 AM on December 18, 2002

These six comics walk into a bar...
The puch line is, "I've got news for ya, that's not seltzer!" I haven't figured out the part in the middle yet. I've got another version of this with pirates (comedy goldmine), and the punch line is "I've got news for ya, I don't have a wooden leg!"
posted by planetkyoto at 7:37 AM on December 18, 2002

I loved Bill Hicks's comment about Dennis Leary; something along the lines of "No, I ripped Dennis off, then, just to throw people, I wrote the material first."
posted by TedW at 8:12 AM on December 18, 2002

by the flood of comments posted I can only assume that almost everyone finds stand up comedians and everything about them as utterly boring as I do.

posted by sic at 4:47 PM on December 18, 2002

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