Constance Adams, Space Architect
January 24, 2003 7:40 AM   Subscribe

Constance Adams, Space Architect She designed the International Space Station's TransHab module (a prototype for manned Mars missions), and says cool things about what the role of architecture is: "Architecture involves forming harmony around the human system, balancing culture, biology, planetary knowledge and technology in counterpoint to the unknowable." (via boingboing)
posted by vraxoin (3 comments total)
Man, she must have the coolest business cards ever.
posted by signal at 8:14 AM on January 24, 2003

I went to college with this woman, and she was universally hated.

Like, famously hated. By everyone. I remember someone in my Freshman Writing class writing a story called "The Constancy of Constance" which was about how much he hated her.

I'm just going to post a tiny snippet of her Class Report entry:

"Houston is not a healthy city, but I (Adams, Constance M.) adore this crazy, crazy job!--in which I have daily opportunities to pose really fundamental questions concerning all aspects of the human condition. Here's another thing I've learned: We...are...earthlings..."

This same college class gave the world Jeff Zucker (head of NBC Entertainment), Jeffrey Rosen (CNN pundit-guy), and Tom Morello (guitarist for Rage Against The Machine and now Audioslave).

I don't quite know why everyone hated Constance so much--she did have one of those really penetrating voices that give you a headache after about 30 seconds. And she was goth before goth was cool--she used to walk around campus in a black cape, as I recall.

But I was just too drunk to hate when I was in college.
posted by Sidhedevil at 10:54 AM on January 24, 2003

Someone give that woman a job in advertising!
posted by troutfishing at 2:50 PM on January 24, 2003

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