Little Rick: Pugilist
March 5, 2003 7:56 AM   Subscribe

The heartbreaking story of the rise and fall of Little Rick, pugilist.
posted by mikrophon (3 comments total)
As I was unable to read all the words at the end. Is this guy for real or bs-ing I could not fully tell. The guys in Korea that we have seen here were funnier.

Here's a fight happening down the road from me.
posted by thomcatspike at 8:30 AM on March 5, 2003

Yeah, the small size makes some of the text less than legible . . . I'm not really sure what it says either . . .
posted by mikrophon at 8:40 AM on March 5, 2003

posted by sklero at 11:07 AM on March 5, 2003

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