Hemp for Victory!
May 4, 2003 9:16 AM   Subscribe

"Hemp for Victory!" A USDA educational film from 1942 extolling the patriotic virtues of growing the crop that, a half-century later, over 600,000 people would be arrested for possessing. (Gotta love the official "Producer of Marihuana" license.) How times have changed.
posted by digaman (5 comments total)
Apparently GlobalHemp and Apple have the same web designers. That would explain a lot.
posted by krunk at 9:27 AM on May 4, 2003

I wish Steve Jobs would run for President.
posted by the fire you left me at 9:42 AM on May 4, 2003

XQUZYPHYR is right. Hemp is grown where I live too. HempFlax.
This kind of hemp has a very low THC %.
posted by ginz at 10:07 AM on May 4, 2003

the two above posters are correct. Industrial hemp has negligable amounts of THC, and is in many ways not the same plant as smokable marijuana. The most common analogy that I've herad is that it's like comparing sweet corn to field corn.
posted by angry modem at 10:58 AM on May 4, 2003

They call them trace amounts for a reason. Should they ban water because it contains trace amounts of arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium, silver and zinc?
posted by angry modem at 5:13 AM on May 5, 2003

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