North Korea
May 9, 2003 2:53 AM   Subscribe

Northern Exposure: A North Korean Travelogue
posted by hama7 (6 comments total)
[thanks consumptive]
posted by hama7 at 2:55 AM on May 9, 2003

I'm beginning to wish I had the funds for a trip to the DPRK after this post and the last one.
posted by jack_mo at 6:01 AM on May 9, 2003

This is good, thanks hama7.

Life after Tyranny - travels in North Korea, Belarus, Bosnia, Argentina etc... hope you enjoy!
posted by plep at 6:17 AM on May 9, 2003

Wow, what a paradise North Korea is! My stomach churns at the mere thought of the place. I could post more thoughts on the place, but I'll go wash my hands instead.
posted by Plunge at 6:18 AM on May 9, 2003

There's also a North Korea travel piece in the current issue of Mother Jones.
posted by LeLiLo at 1:03 AM on May 11, 2003

Many thanks, plep. I hope things can be resolved peacefully with North Korea, as I'm sure everyone does.

And Plunge, believe me, I didn't post this to glorify anything about that horrific scourge of tyranny, as you are probably well aware.
posted by hama7 at 3:53 AM on May 11, 2003

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