It Takes a Village, People
July 6, 2003 8:28 AM   Subscribe

DOJ Introduces New Threat Levels Citizens should be alert, but continue to go about their normal daily spending activities.
posted by kirkaracha (11 comments total)'s good to see The Village People getting some gigs, even if it is in the name of Homeland Security.
posted by davidmsc at 6:12 PM on July 6, 2003

Citizens should be alert, but continue to go about their normal daily spending activities. God bless capitalism.
posted by sourbrew at 6:28 PM on July 6, 2003

Funny, but a bit under-developed. I laughed, and then I wanted to vi the code. Thanks, kirkaracha!
posted by squirrel at 6:35 PM on July 6, 2003

i wanted to post that this link does not work in IE 6.0, but...
posted by quonsar at 6:37 PM on July 6, 2003

"a bit under-developed"

Ashcroft, or the page?
posted by mr_crash_davis at 7:03 PM on July 6, 2003

Pfft. C'mon, Q. Get with it. Everything works in IE6. However, Microsoft is an evil hateful plague upon the world that no man can simply stand by and watch devour our children. It must be fought!

Viva la revolucion!
posted using MSIE 6.0
posted by graventy at 7:48 PM on July 6, 2003

Not very memorable; I keep forgetting which is a higher threat level, the Biker or The Cowboy...

They should've done it with a group that only has FIVE members, like the Rolling Stones ("WARNING... WE ARE AT THREAT LEVEL MICK... THREAT LEVEL MICK...")

But then, in case of a national emergency, everyone could stay at the Y.M.C.A...

(And who cares about browsers, don't try viewing it on a small monitor at 800x600)
posted by wendell at 8:52 PM on July 6, 2003

I saw the current San Francisco Mime Troupe show today (they are not mimes, but an agit-prop musical theatre crew and local institution).

My favorite line: "We are no longer at Magenta alert. We have entered Ultraviolet alert, a threat level so alarming it cannot be seen with the human eye!"
posted by damehex at 10:17 PM on July 6, 2003

Terror Alert Level

Yeah, old. But oddly memorable.

Okay, so maybe I just wanted to try embedding an image.

posted by tyro urge at 11:11 AM on July 7, 2003

God bless capitalism.
I can just see the catchphrases...
"Jesus saves - and you can too with our specials!"
posted by FormlessOne at 2:36 PM on July 7, 2003

It's a cute little page. It does what it needs to do. How many people didn't catch on till they got to 'construction worker?" Even though I knew it had to be a gag of some sort, I just kind of blithely noted that the police officer seemed to have a really open-collared shirt on and kept clicking. Boy, if that's any indication, we all need to be more vigilant.
posted by soyjoy at 8:05 AM on July 8, 2003

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