WiFi Speed Spray
September 28, 2003 1:29 PM   Subscribe

WiFi Speed Spray "It's an amazing product, and I would not hesitate to recommend it to anyone who has a computer or would like to have a computer." [via Michael's So-Called Life]
posted by DBAPaul (15 comments total)
Does it clean ordinary household stains? Cause if so I'm in.
posted by fishbulb at 2:09 PM on September 28, 2003

There's a guy in a labcoat on the page. It must be good.
posted by Space Coyote at 2:25 PM on September 28, 2003

I don't know what those equations mean, but they're forcing me to believe.
posted by WolfDaddy at 2:44 PM on September 28, 2003

Do not taunt WiFi Speed Spray.
posted by machaus at 3:37 PM on September 28, 2003

Do not use near electrical appliances.

And it's as if everyone quoted were related.
posted by drezdn at 3:52 PM on September 28, 2003

Dude, I got some of this last week and it TOTALLY works! It's like, de bomb! I totally recommend that EVERYONE gets a case of it!

(Say Bob sent you)
posted by tiamat at 4:12 PM on September 28, 2003

i don't know how, but this works! forward this to everyone you know!
posted by quonsar at 6:02 PM on September 28, 2003

So sad. But, apparently, the entire Smith family (including distant relatives) recommends it.
posted by FormlessOne at 7:27 PM on September 28, 2003

They may not know Art, but they know what I like.
posted by LinusMines at 7:36 PM on September 28, 2003

I make my own WiFi Speed Spray using a 100 to 1 mix of water and Ever-So-Much-More-So.
posted by dogwelder at 9:33 PM on September 28, 2003

Is that Fred Savage in the labcoat?
posted by juniper at 9:58 PM on September 28, 2003

If you've already got optical fiber, all you need is to go over your modem with one of these green magic markers to get a significant speed boost.
posted by straight at 10:26 PM on September 28, 2003

Actually FormlessOne, Toraidio, the Smith from Tijuana is far from complementary.

And if you travel the links you'll find mucho MeFi bonus goodness here like "The Guitar God" as quonsar noted back in 2002.
" . . . for continuing laffs, go to the guitar god's homepage. what a rock and roll hunk."
posted by quonsar at 7:13 AM PST on May 3
posted by DBAPaul at 1:48 AM on September 29, 2003

Do not taunt WiFi Speed Spray.

amazing reference... just talking about snl the other day at work

cheers machaus
posted by cmicali at 8:47 AM on September 29, 2003

Hey, who's behind this thing, anyway?

NoMojo Marketing Corporation

Aha! So that's why we still ain't got no MoJo!
posted by soyjoy at 8:50 AM on September 29, 2003

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