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October 9, 2003 1:42 AM   Subscribe

Razanne, the Muslim alternative to this, this, this, or this
(Last link possibly NSFW?)
posted by magullo (21 comments total)
Good. I'm not a muslim, but I'm friendly with a couple of young women who wear the Hijab when they're out, and they don't seem to be oppressed - it's a choice they've made to celebrate their culture and identity. And no-one can seriously suggest that the waspy-waisted blonde zeppelin-titted fashion Barbie is a good role-model for *any* girl, can they?

btw: a picture of Barbie in lingerie not safe for work? Does anyone here work in an office that draconian?
posted by Pericles at 2:03 AM on October 9, 2003

And no-one can seriously suggest that the waspy-waisted blonde zeppelin-titted fashion Barbie is a good role-model for *any* girl, can they?

Probably not, but you don't have to make that argument in order to suggest that teaching young girls they should wear bulky jackets in public could be backwards-thinking. Then again, I've never been one whose much for religion, especially when dealing with what appear to be strictly arbitrary rules of conduct.
posted by The God Complex at 2:17 AM on October 9, 2003

I wonder if this would be acceptable to the mutawaeen, or if they would add it to their forbidden items.
posted by homunculus at 2:35 AM on October 9, 2003

"teaching young girls they should wear bulky jackets in public could be backwards-thinking"

Sure it is. Just as teaching them that women's almost-naked bodies are a commodity to advertise any old shit on TV, that if you're not slim and blonde with perfect skin you're not a proper woman, or that wearing over-priced, sweatshop-made designer-label clothes is the only way of expressing yourself or demonstrating that you're free from patricarchal control and a self-assured, modern individual.
posted by Pericles at 4:41 AM on October 9, 2003

It doesn't have to be either/or, Pericles.
posted by Summer at 4:50 AM on October 9, 2003

Am I hot or not? I don't give a hoot if folks want to buy these for their kids...but do note that is for American Muslim consumption with the hope that buying might spread elsewhere. Perhaps made by very young girls in some 3rd world nation, the way Nike makes its products.
posted by Postroad at 4:52 AM on October 9, 2003

I'm friendly with a couple of young women who wear the Hijab when they're out, and they don't seem to be oppressed

I can really understand where young Muslim women are coming from with this. It must be a relief to have an excuse not to conform and to not feel obliged to turn yourself into a cheap sex object. On the other hand, the reasons behind the Hijab - that women's bodies are in some way suspect and a temptation to men - are just more of the same rubbish.
posted by Summer at 4:59 AM on October 9, 2003

It doesn't have to be either/or, Pericles.

You're right. Felt pre-menstrual this morning. Apologies.
posted by Pericles at 6:22 AM on October 9, 2003

You know what'd be funny? If they did a mash-up of Razanne and Roseanne.
posted by DenOfSizer at 6:33 AM on October 9, 2003

I think that this is fantastic. We need to send a message to children, as early as possible, that they're fundamentally different from other groups around them.

Should I have a daughter, you'd better believe that she's not getting "Barbie." I'm an Episcopalian and Barbie doesn't look like an ideal that my daughter could live up to. Barbie has a fairly prominent bottom and a tiny nose. She's probably Irish! My daughter should have a doll with an Anglo flat ass and long, narrow nose or she might end up a Papist. Now if I can just get LL Bean to license the tiny clothes.
posted by Mayor Curley at 6:55 AM on October 9, 2003

It must be a relief to have an excuse not to conform and to not feel obliged to turn yourself into a cheap sex object.

Yes. It's called "self esteem". Or "skateboarding". I know lots of young women who wear cute clothes that nonetheless don't expose their bodies--one of the most interesting teenagers I know invariably wears jeans and a hoodie and a t-shirt that makes a statement (or depicts her favorite cartoon character, or reproduces an Old Master, or proclaims her to be a player on some defunct Iowa Little League team).

And, sweet Baal, if I ever find myself wherever it is that that horrifying housecoat that Muslima Barbie is wearing "indoors" is supposed to be "the latest fashion", I'm going all Crusader on their asses. That thing is just an offense against taste and decency!
posted by Sidhedevil at 7:17 AM on October 9, 2003

Barbie has a fairly prominent bottom and a tiny nose. She's probably Irish!

Don't be silly. If Barbie were Irish, she'd have gin blossoms and a black eye.
posted by jonmc at 7:26 AM on October 9, 2003

I can really understand where young Muslim women are coming from with this.

RAWA understands too.
posted by Armitage Shanks at 7:50 AM on October 9, 2003

It is a shame that Arab culture is Islam culture. I wonder how long it will take to pry apart the two. 1000 years? But wait, that beam, in my eye, oh, Pat Robertson!
posted by the fire you left me at 8:17 AM on October 9, 2003

It is a shame that Arab culture is Islam culture.

What the hell does this mean? You are aware that there are lots of Arabs who aren't Muslim, right? On Malta they speak a variant of Arabic and have nothing to do with "Islam culture," whatever that is. Let's not add to the prevailing confusion.
posted by languagehat at 8:34 AM on October 9, 2003

RAWA understands too.

I really don't want to be in the position of defending the hajib or burka or whatever (because I think it's profoundly anti-woman), but most societies where women wear them are not run by the Taliban.
posted by Summer at 8:38 AM on October 9, 2003

It is a shame that Arab culture is Islam culture

And it's a shame that Western Culture is Christian....
posted by Stynxno at 8:41 AM on October 9, 2003

...and i just reread fire's statement and realize that he made the same point i made. sigh. i really need to learn how to read.
posted by Stynxno at 8:48 AM on October 9, 2003

In and Out Razanne

Is anyone else hearing,
"Roooooooxanne... You don't have to put on the red light..."
...when you read this?
(Not trying to imply aything, just asking.)
posted by Shane at 10:00 AM on October 9, 2003

Yeah, I am too, Shane.
posted by Lord Chancellor at 3:07 PM on October 9, 2003


Damn. 24 hrs later and I'm still hearin' it.
posted by Shane at 8:06 AM on October 10, 2003

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