"It cannot be every man, woman and child out for themselves in the wild, wild west" :HP's Fiorina Backs Net Regulation
August 24, 2000 12:30 PM   Subscribe

"It cannot be every man, woman and child out for themselves in the wild, wild west" :HP's Fiorina Backs Net Regulation Once again a behemoth corporation and the Federal Government must implement regulations because the flock is way too stupid to think for themselves.
posted by chiXy (4 comments total)
We should create a secondary closed network like AOL that would be safe for the kids and squares, and leave the real internet the hell alone. Fiorina never says why it cannot be everyone for themself BTW. Sadly, it will probably will go the otherway, and real content will be hidden behind the firewalls of online gated communities.
posted by thirteen at 12:48 PM on August 24, 2000

Hold on, the lady's talking about requiring sites to post exactly what they intend to do with any information they gather.

Or is this a slippery slope theory that we're supposed to gape at?
posted by solistrato at 2:32 PM on August 24, 2000

Wow, I read that article twice, and somehow missed the point of it. I will save my comments and repost them the next time a "the internet needs to be governed" thread comes along. Why would anyone give out personal information without a posted policy? Maybe stupid people do need to be protected from themselves.
posted by thirteen at 3:03 PM on August 24, 2000

thirteen... exactly -- people ARE giving out their information online, and ALL kinds of it!
posted by chiXy at 6:39 AM on August 25, 2000

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