sure, let's roleplay. what should my role be?
December 5, 2003 8:06 AM   Subscribe

Vixen Love - Read the logs of AIM users tricked into a relationship with a mindless chat bot named Emily. Remember, VixenLove is just out to make friends!
posted by anastasiav (20 comments total)

Nothing funnier than a person who knows Vixenlove is a bot trying to convince the bot that it is, in fact, a bot.

Someone's failing the Turing Test, and I think it's the human.
posted by Reverend Mykeru at 8:12 AM on December 5, 2003

This was funny until it occurred to me that there might be MeFi bots - sort of a They Live thing.
posted by orange swan at 8:14 AM on December 5, 2003

Great! Thanks, anastasiav.
posted by carter at 8:38 AM on December 5, 2003

Orange Swan: "This was funny until it occurred to me that there might be MeFi bots - sort of a They Live thing."

You know, that's just the sort of misdirection that I would expect from a MeFi bot.
posted by Reverend Mykeru at 8:58 AM on December 5, 2003

sort of a They Live thing

Where do we get the special glasses that give us headaches, but helps us spot the robots among us?
posted by GiantRobot at 9:00 AM on December 5, 2003

StiffySD04: so lets hook up
VixenLove506: I'm your huckleberry

posted by grabbingsand at 9:14 AM on December 5, 2003

Funny stuff.. I especially like the fact that you can submit your own quotes for the bots.

I imagine that's how this quote got in :

VixenLove505: awesome, we have a lot in common
twsted one 5986: marijuana affects the memory
VixenLove505: i really hate arabs!

Hooray for sudden conversational direction changes!
posted by tittergrrl at 9:27 AM on December 5, 2003

I just don't know.
posted by LittleMissCranky at 9:41 AM on December 5, 2003

I say Quonsar's the bot. Ever noticed that he doesn't engage, just drops in almost random comments that might well have been generated by a script that picks up on key words?
posted by orange swan at 9:48 AM on December 5, 2003

I like pancakes.
posted by cbrody at 10:06 AM on December 5, 2003

Here's some prior art. VixonLove is obviously more sophisticated, which I'm not sure is a good thing or not.
posted by electro at 11:37 AM on December 5, 2003

the second (titled sixtyone - can't link as it's a jscript thing) in electro's link is perfect.
posted by andrew cooke at 12:41 PM on December 5, 2003

Sixty is also beautiful, if only for the moment where AOLiza says: "But your cock."
posted by kindall at 1:48 PM on December 5, 2003

I, for one, welcome our new silly-inside MeFi-joke posting overlords.

These robots, they vibrate?
posted by LimePi at 6:38 PM on December 5, 2003

Site's down.
posted by inksyndicate at 9:49 PM on December 5, 2003

And back up again! Like a sex machine!
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 1:34 AM on December 6, 2003

Unnh! Break it down now!

[insert 4-bar Clyde Stubblefield drum break]
posted by arto at 2:54 AM on December 6, 2003

Buh buh BUHBUHBUH chickalickalicka Buhn bunh BUNH BUN BUN chockalackalacka
posted by DenOfSizer at 8:13 AM on December 6, 2003

*dances like a robot*
posted by dabitch at 8:13 AM on December 6, 2003

CrnDnr: im licking your asshole
VixenLove506: are you? how's it going?

posted by Blue Stone at 8:28 AM on December 6, 2003

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