Clinton Dating White House Intern
September 6, 2000 10:01 PM   Subscribe

Clinton Dating White House Intern - The Sequel.
posted by tamim (5 comments total)
Her teeth are really yellow. Yoick.
posted by evilmaryellen at 10:11 AM on September 7, 2000

Funny. I thought the same thing.
posted by silusGROK at 10:12 AM on September 7, 2000

This is just ...sad. "Standing in" for her parents? They aren't the Royal Family - either the president goes where he is invited, or he doesn't, but this is just tacky.
posted by kristin at 11:39 AM on September 7, 2000

Her teeth are yellow because she's a smoker. Someone in the media somewhere is going to call her on that, vis-a-vis her parents' and Algore's anti-smoking stances, if she really does start campaigning for her mother.
posted by aaron at 3:44 PM on September 7, 2000

If one were to be cynical about this, isn't it odd that Chelsea seems to be in the limelight more now that daddy's only got a short time left in the job?
Ex-president's daughters don't get as much exposure and opportunity for future career advancement than incumbent president's daughters do they?
posted by Markb at 12:42 AM on September 8, 2000

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