May 5, 2004 1:02 PM   Subscribe

The Jammin Fighter Jocks
posted by konolia (13 comments total)
These dudes are responsible for multi-million dollar aircraft?
posted by trbrts at 1:09 PM on May 5, 2004

21.5 mega byte wmv
posted by michaelonfs at 2:38 PM on May 5, 2004

trbrts, those dudes won't get near those aircraft for, I'd say, about three or four years. They're cadets.
posted by konolia at 2:53 PM on May 5, 2004

[this is five irretrievable minutes of your life]
posted by dhoyt at 2:55 PM on May 5, 2004

Hey, there aren't any badgers in it.
posted by konolia at 3:22 PM on May 5, 2004

"NSFAWOMLHMIHS" ["Not Safe For Adults Who Outgrew Making Lame Home Movies In High School"]
posted by LairBob at 3:42 PM on May 5, 2004

how can you tell they're cadets? i was trying to read their name tags, and as far as i can tell, what with their attire and call signs, they're prolly commissioned but are in flight school. are you sure they're still in the academy?

pilots...giving officers a bad name for 80 years
posted by taumeson at 6:49 PM on May 5, 2004

The terrorists have already won.
posted by thatweirdguy2 at 7:39 PM on May 5, 2004

These are fourth year cadets. (in other words, freshmen.) I got it off a message board geared toward current and former cadets.

Don't take it seriously, these kids deserve to be able to let off steam just like regular college kids.
posted by konolia at 8:25 PM on May 5, 2004

Well, that was a waste of bandwidth.
posted by dg at 8:36 PM on May 5, 2004

how can you tell they're cadets?

There are at least a few frames where you can make out on their nametags that they're USAFA cadets. I'd wager that they've been pre-selected into the pilot training stream or have taken / are taking the gliding course at USAFA.

And, yeah, it's the sort of foolishness that 18- and 19-year old boys get up to. Probably worse since there are so few luscious ladies about.
posted by ROU_Xenophobe at 9:14 PM on May 5, 2004

I like the part where they straddle the bed, say “Strap it on,” then play with their joysticks.
posted by MrMoonPie at 10:01 AM on May 6, 2004

MrMoonPie is right... I was expecting it to launch into amateur gay porn at any sec...
posted by BobFrapples at 10:30 AM on May 6, 2004

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