zell reads his spam? amazing.
September 3, 2004 2:10 PM   Subscribe

Zell Miller obviously doesn't read Snopes or else he would have known that Kerry didn't ever intend on arming our military with sticks and clubs spitballs. the Martini Republic reminds us that in July snopes debunked the heart of miller's attacks that he delivered in his keynote on wednesday.
posted by tsarfan (24 comments total)
In other words, Zell's accusations are a complete and total lie, and either he is too dishonest to admit it, or too big a rube to see it.

Note that on March 1, 2001, Zell praised Kerry. The speech is still on Zell's website.
Four Panels commented this in a previous discussion

"John has worked to strengthen our military, reform public education, boost the economy and protect the environment."
posted by thomcatspike at 2:20 PM on September 3, 2004

John McCain's comment about Miller's speech on The Daily Show "I think John Kerry must have shot Zell Miller's dog, that's the only reason I can think of for that display."

I thought he was awful even disregarding the fact that he was a Democrat at the RNC. His speech was all Republican, lies smeared with misdirected fury.

At least Zell's speech has balanced out the election after all of the hubbub over the Dean Scream. Miller's tirade was far, far worse, he didn't even stop in two post speech interviews, he tried to get in a fight with the Hardball guy (literally, he said if he were closer to him, he'd get in his face and challenge him to a duel, no shit!).

I would predict that Zell Miller's political career has just entered the sunset period.
posted by fenriq at 2:25 PM on September 3, 2004

But his Reality TV star is on the rise!
posted by sonofsamiam at 2:26 PM on September 3, 2004

Zell Miller in: The Surreal Life.
posted by solistrato at 2:31 PM on September 3, 2004

I would predict that Zell Miller's political career has just entered the sunset period.

He's already announced his retirement.
posted by mr_roboto at 2:32 PM on September 3, 2004

Nice contrast.
posted by homunculus at 2:43 PM on September 3, 2004

Earlier this week a member linked an article detailing why Bush would skip The State of Georgia during his presidential campaign trail. Seeing Zell speak at the RNC it reminded me of about this. Giving thought that Bush used Zell for his presidential campaign there.
posted by thomcatspike at 2:54 PM on September 3, 2004

you can't really remix zells speech into a techno song though, can you? the dean scream wins that one.
posted by bob sarabia at 2:58 PM on September 3, 2004

homunculus, sweet pic.

La la la. I can't see Bob's obvious trolling. La la la.
posted by fenriq at 3:05 PM on September 3, 2004

Boy, Zell bears a remarkable resemblance to Emperor Palpatine in that picture.
posted by interrobang at 3:24 PM on September 3, 2004

Oh well, the conventions are really for the true believers as I'm sure Zell just scared off a few million swing voters.

Well if swing voters are such girlie men and women that they're scared by the speech of some feeble old man than they deserve 4 years of John Kerry.
posted by gyc at 4:09 PM on September 3, 2004

gyc, hey, throw some more insults at the fence sitters. I think the whole nation deserves four years of someone who will actually do what they say they will do. Not four more years of lies, deception and corruption.

Of course, it seems you want to watch our deficit continue to climb, our nation entrenched in occupations overseas, soldiers dying for oil and our natural resources being open to the tender mercies of clearcut forestry management.

Wait, why don't I let John Kerry say it?
"The election comes down to this. If you believe this country is heading in the right direction, you should support George Bush. But if you believe America needs to move in a new direction, join with us. John and I offer a better plan that will make us stronger at home and more respected in the world."

You are apparently happy with the state and expected continual decline of our nation. I, respectfully, would prefer to have a leader in charge instead of a smirking asshat like Bush.
posted by fenriq at 4:23 PM on September 3, 2004

"...our nation is being torn apart and made weaker because of the Democrat's manic obsession to bring down our Commander in Chief."

so what is he suggesting... that the opposition just bow out (because they're just so insane, what with going around acting as tho' they're allowed to participate and all) and elections be indefinitely suspended...? i'll bet that after this guy has retired and his physicians have had a chance to look him over we find he's got a massive brain tumour or he's lost part of his mind to senility.
posted by t r a c y at 4:35 PM on September 3, 2004

gyc, hey, throw some more insults at the fence sitters.

Hey, Bush has been President for 4 years. Kerry has been a Senator for a long time and wrapped up the Democratic nomination for about half a year now. If the fence sitters are not engaged and haven't decided on their choice by now, and are instead being constantly swayed by infomercials (like the conventions) and attack ads, then I don't really have much respect for them.

so what is he suggesting... that the opposition just bow out

There is a difference between an "obsession to bring down" Bush and vigorously disagreeing on the issues and how he has performed in the past 4 years.

Actually I liked this FPP because it dealt with cold hard facts in rebutting Miller, and not resorting to childish caricatures and personal insults like others have.
posted by gyc at 4:46 PM on September 3, 2004

gyc: The fence sitters are under no obligation to you or anyone else, and your respect or lack thereof for them should be considered to be without import.
posted by raysmj at 5:07 PM on September 3, 2004

A) The US wasn't in World War II during the 1940 Presidential campaign. Willkie was in fact quite acerbic about whether or not Roosevelt was going to get into the war, and how FDR was handling the allies, etc.

Zell Miller must have been too busy going to Klan meetings or something to remember...

B) Willkie tried to debate Roosevelt on the issues, it's true. But Roosevelt didn't have his boys smearing Willkie all over the radio, newspapers, and newsreels. (The actual Republicans had already done a good job of it--remember that Willkie was a Democrat who had recently switched parties.)

C) After his crushing defeat, Willkie sucked up to Roosevelt like mad, and he was rewarded with high-profile public offices. Again, though, this was after the election!

D) And, shit, Roosevelt did a lot better job of running World War II than GWBush is doing of running his wars.

E) And let's not forget that FDR was all about the blow jobs in the Oval Office.
posted by Sidhedevil at 5:25 PM on September 3, 2004

It's pretty hard to put yourself so far to the loony right that even Dick Cheney considers you too extreme, but ol'Zell managed it.

Seriously, he was so animated during his speech I half expected him to start condemning the Treaty of Versailles.
posted by clevershark at 6:01 PM on September 3, 2004

Well if swing voters are such girlie men...

It's amazing how one Austrian quoting a comedy show (that was a thinly veiled caricature of him anyway) seems to have turned half a nation into a bunch of dumb-as-a-box-of-hair dittoheads.

I'll bet Arnold never had a clue he wielded so much power.
posted by clevershark at 6:05 PM on September 3, 2004

I think C'shark wins. "Treaty of Versailles". Heh.
posted by Sidhedevil at 7:09 PM on September 3, 2004

I want to know. Was Zell in on it, or was he played?

The 'thugs knew exactly what that speech would be. They approved it. And look at the deniability -- "Well, it was, after all, a *democrat* who gave that horrid hate-filled speech."

Is he working with them, or was he sucker punched? We'll find out if Shrub wins.
posted by eriko at 7:33 PM on September 3, 2004

He fits right in with the Repubs--he's rabid, and a liar.
posted by amberglow at 7:49 PM on September 3, 2004

I'll bet Arnold never had a clue he wielded so much power.

Or that after a certain plateau of fame and wealth, most Americans will apparently climb over each other in their haste to eat the corn out of your shit, no matter what you do.
posted by stavrosthewonderchicken at 8:09 PM on September 3, 2004

Note that on March 1, 2001, Zell praised Kerry. The speech is still on Zell's website.
Four Panels commented this in a previous discussion

Jesus Christ. Yes, Four panels did comment this in a previous discussion, and so did many people, after my providing the link hours earlier. Not like they wouldn't have otherwise, but your citing of later, admittedly lazy posters shows that you too could not be bothered to read the thread.

I'm only going off on this instance because, as I've already devoted an entire MeTa thread to it, I may as well continue the object lesson.

And then, to top it off... GOP backs away from Miller’s blast

Wow, TCS, wish I'd thought to post that also, a day earlier.
posted by soyjoy at 11:45 PM on September 4, 2004

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