Ivan Noble's Tumour Diary
January 27, 2005 2:56 AM   Subscribe

Ivan Noble's Tumour Diary The BBC's Ivan Noble has been keeping an online diary of his fight against a malignant brain tumour. Alas, his illness is now getting the better of him, and this will be his final column. He has been, at times, an inspiration, incredibly brave and totally honest about his illness. As a former colleague, he shall also be remembered fondly. Start from the beginning, it's a must read.
posted by scaryduck (9 comments total)
I've been following Ivan's diary for a long time now and while this was somewhat inevitable, it is still incredibly sad.
posted by eatcherry at 3:20 AM on January 27, 2005

Ugh. Good luck Ivan.
posted by Pretty_Generic at 3:29 AM on January 27, 2005

I, too, have been reading Noble's diary for the last couple of years and have found it so heartbreaking going through the ups and downs as his disease would regress and then advance. He has shown a degree of tenacity and an ability to adapt that few possess but all can admire.
posted by briank at 4:36 AM on January 27, 2005

a must read...Indeed !
posted by lobstah at 5:29 AM on January 27, 2005

A similar story, from the 1930s:

posted by Wolfdog at 6:25 AM on January 27, 2005

If anyone's still here, read this - he died yesterday. The last column was written last year in anticipation of his being too ill to write.
posted by altolinguistic at 2:56 AM on February 1, 2005

I just saw that, altolinguistic, and came here to see what had happened in this thread.

A brave man. My thoughts are with his wife and children.
posted by tizzie at 6:24 PM on February 1, 2005

Ivan Noble: an appreciation.
posted by nthdegx at 1:35 AM on February 2, 2005

cancer confronts us with our mortality and fragility in such a cruel way.
i read some of his columns and he seemed like a very brave and kind man.
he's been an inspiration to many people, judging from the e-mail responses he got, and in this sense continues to live on.
posted by threehundredandsixty at 8:59 AM on February 3, 2005

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