Sometimes there is a strange kind of justice in the universe.
November 9, 2000 9:11 AM Subscribe
Sometimes there is a strange kind of justice in the universe. A candidate in Oregon, who had promised to require that all schools and libraries be forced to use censorware on their computers, changed his position when he found that his own campaign site was being censored by one of the most popular of the censorware packages.
Ah, schadenfreude. Hoist by his own petard, in't he?
Ah, schadenfreude. Hoist by his own petard, in't he?
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His site,, is itself blocked by all the censorware packages even though it contains nothing ostensibly objectionable. What it contains, however, is complete instructions on how to defeat all the censorware packages without the password, and how to decipher their data files so you can get a list of the sites they won't let you see.
At various times, he's done this and listed some of the sites they have shut down, many of which were obviously censored for political reasons and not for the reasons they pretend to. It becomes clear when you read his indictments that those who create these censorship lists have a very conservative agenda. The whole site is well worth reading. Even though he's now well over 18, he still fights the good fight. More power to him.
posted by Steven Den Beste at 9:21 AM on November 9, 2000