May 9, 2005 1:59 PM   Subscribe

MenuVista (Quicktime req), the thesis project of ITP (NYU Interactive Telecommunications Program) student Chia-wei Chang, gives restaurant customers a preview of their orders by projecting photos of the meal on their empty plates. The system also allows them to modify their orders by using a projected menu with a touch sensor interface which includes menu text and food images. More ITP thesis presentations from last week »
posted by jenleigh (6 comments total)
Can we have this now pees?
posted by grrarrgh00 at 2:56 PM on May 9, 2005

Not to be a luddite, but this is really a bit much. I just like the idea of human interaction over food, but not to knock the post... good presentation and portion sizes.
posted by moonbird at 2:58 PM on May 9, 2005

It's an interesting idea, although I usually find stock photos of dishes in fast food places rather unappetizing. It would be fun to reconsider new representations of the food, as part of the design brief.
posted by carter at 3:04 PM on May 9, 2005

i understand moonbird's sentiment about human interaction over food, and i agree with it for a restaurant type of setting. but i think this would be spectacular in cafeterias.
posted by carsonb at 3:55 PM on May 9, 2005

cha-wei chang is a fun name to say.
posted by delmoi at 4:04 PM on May 9, 2005

I like it. Menus hardly ever make sense, unless the food is simple or I've been there before. Also looks like fun, but needs some scale for a table of 4.
posted by airguitar at 8:52 PM on May 9, 2005

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