Celebrity Look-Alikes - for hire!
July 13, 2005 8:10 AM   Subscribe

Celebrity Look-Alikes - for hire! Uncanny resemblances.
posted by cpchester (58 comments total)
Not to put a downer on it, but is this new/interesting? There's been celebrity look alike agencies around for years and this one seems no different from any of the other one's out there....
posted by mandeville at 8:25 AM on July 13, 2005

This looks like Alan Alda?
posted by wsg at 8:26 AM on July 13, 2005

They have a Regis Philbin impersonator? Why?

But it's not "uncanny" -- I'd look a lot like a KISS member too with the costume and the makeup. But in real life I look more like Alan Alda.
posted by davy at 8:31 AM on July 13, 2005

(A little post I was preparing that may as well go here:)

Look-a-likes: good, bad, strange, overdone, unintentional, and some that make you wonder why they'd want to look like the people they imitate...

posted by Acey at 8:33 AM on July 13, 2005

Yoinks Acey, that Steve McQueen guy is amazing.
posted by chrid at 8:46 AM on July 13, 2005

The Robin Williams impersonator is the guy the actual Robin Williams sued because he (allegedly) started claiming to be the real Robin Williams and demanded exorbitant appearance fees, even if the appearance was for a charity.

As with the other look-alikes, the almost-but-not-quite aspect made some wary. One person, a reporter who conducted an entire interview with Clayton believing him to be Williams, explained how she fell for it: "My suspicions eased when I saw Clayton’s hairy arms."
posted by unsupervised at 8:47 AM on July 13, 2005

They have a Regis Philbin impersonator? Why?

I never understood the market for impersonators of all but a handful of iconic people, either. Is there some cottage industry for this that I'm unaware of? Is it all a front for some kind of celebrity-fetish escort service?

"You know what this party needs? Meg Ryan!"
posted by mkultra at 8:49 AM on July 13, 2005

I had a co-worker once who was the spitting image of Monica Lewinsky. On a business trip to New York not too long after the scandal had died down, we were jumped by a Hard Copy camera crew while we were dining in an upscale restaurant overlooking Central Park. She was not impressed.

Apparently ML was in New York that week as well, but we didn't find that out until we got back. Or it was just reports from people seeing my co-worker. I wish I had a photo of her to show.
posted by Snowflake at 8:53 AM on July 13, 2005

Sammy Davis Jr? Wow. It's true: Ol' One-Eye is Black.
posted by hal9k at 8:53 AM on July 13, 2005

I should possibly mention: watch out for the 'a' in 'bad' if you are likely to have images stay in your head (it's pretty much sfw though, just... disturbing).
posted by Acey at 8:55 AM on July 13, 2005

How on earth can you tell with those crappy, blurred, small, black and white photos?
posted by humuhumu at 9:00 AM on July 13, 2005

At a promotional event for a company product roll-out (Elvis both thin and thick, Marilyn, Boy George impersonators mingling about) I was introduced to a guy who looked like Lyle Waggoner (from the Carol Burnett show). Imagine my disappointment when I found out it was really him.

That Steve McQueen guy looks dead-on. But what exactly do you do with that kind of talent? Brood in the corner? Take down the CEO at the office Xmas party? Uh, deliver pizzas?
posted by hal9k at 9:04 AM on July 13, 2005

Jimmy James as Marilyn Monroe
posted by ericb at 9:05 AM on July 13, 2005

Jimmy James as Judy Garland.
posted by ericb at 9:10 AM on July 13, 2005

I like how everyone is listed by their names except Paul Hogan. Sorry Paul, we'll just call you Crocodile Dundee.
posted by ODiV at 9:16 AM on July 13, 2005

I don't mean to be rude, but the first thing that comes to mind when I see these is: loosers.

I once knew a young Clint Eastwood look-alike. It was advertised on his card. Looser.
posted by NewBornHippy at 9:25 AM on July 13, 2005

the images should be smaller.
posted by tu11ym0n at 9:26 AM on July 13, 2005

ODiV I noticed that too.

I checked out Liz Taylor (good)
Robin Williams (good)
Jay Leno (decent)
Barbara Streisand (one good, one too made-up)

What are they good for? Even the obscure ones might be fun to hire if you know a fan.

If shot from the right angle (and only neck up, unfortunately) I look like Christopher Reeves. How do I cash in?

on preview: Newbornhippy: Cashing in on an asset makes one a looser? That's a looser's attitude.
posted by Goofyy at 9:27 AM on July 13, 2005

> Star Trek XXXIV: The Search for Beer

What makes it even more extraordinary, is that his ears are real. I'll stand by my earlier comment. Looser.
posted by NewBornHippy at 9:29 AM on July 13, 2005

I once knew a young Clint Eastwood look-alike. It was advertised on his card. Looser.

Every which way but looser?
posted by gubo at 9:30 AM on July 13, 2005

> Newbornhippy: Cashing in on an asset makes one a looser?

Cashing in? Vanity crumbs bottom feeders. There's little fascinating about the impersonated, and much less about the impersonators.
posted by NewBornHippy at 9:33 AM on July 13, 2005

Whuffo a Hillary impersonator???

What we really need here is an Ann Coulter impersonator!
posted by squalor at 9:37 AM on July 13, 2005

Great franchise opportunity. Premise goes something like this: "Hi. I'm a spittin' image of Karl Rove. You can git Medieval on my ass for just $250 per hour."

BTW, NewBornHippy: its actually spelled.... oh, nevermind.
posted by hal9k at 9:44 AM on July 13, 2005

Husker Du! Jay Leno and Regis Philbin are the same guy. Smirk and stretch the photo horizontally, he's Leno; Smarmy game show host grin and compress the photo horizontally, he's Philbin.
posted by planetkyoto at 9:50 AM on July 13, 2005

That Jim Carrey is pathetic.
posted by zardoz at 9:53 AM on July 13, 2005

Yeah, I was just going to comment on how much the Jim Carrey impersonator did NOT look like Jim Carrey. Who does he think he's fooling?
posted by corianderstem at 9:57 AM on July 13, 2005

I live a few miles from Branson. Celebrity impersonators are everywhere arouund here.

Hell, last summer I even played in the Rat Pack show on the strip. The Frank, Sammy, and Dean were alll impresive.
posted by sourwookie at 10:05 AM on July 13, 2005


It's a general rule of thumb that if you're going to make fun of someone, at least spell your insult correctly, lest you look like an even bigger LOSER.
posted by mkultra at 10:10 AM on July 13, 2005

Wow, scolded for being judgmental and not adequately spell checking? Is Mefi under new management or something?
posted by NewBornHippy at 10:18 AM on July 13, 2005

Yes. I think you'll find the new management much looser with the scolding.
posted by ODiV at 10:23 AM on July 13, 2005

Does the Alan Alda lookalike come with a Dr. Sidney that asks him questions until he cries like a girl? 'Cause that would totally be worth the money.
posted by jrossi4r at 10:24 AM on July 13, 2005

I would hire the Alan Alda and pretend that I was in a Scientific American Fronteirs episode. About chlamydia.
posted by Mayor Curley at 10:37 AM on July 13, 2005

Is "Johnny Davis Jr." who he sounds like? I guess that's something to fall back on...
posted by Jack Karaoke at 10:43 AM on July 13, 2005

Answered my own question, "no relation".
posted by Jack Karaoke at 10:49 AM on July 13, 2005

Does the Alan Alda lookalike come with a Dr. Sidney that asks him questions until he cries like a girl? 'Cause that would totally be worth the money.

Well, that made my Crystal Light go up my nose.

Seriously, is there a demand for Alan Alda look-alikes? I think a can of Silly String would be a bigger hit at a party than a fake Hawkeye.
posted by Oriole Adams at 10:57 AM on July 13, 2005

wow! you look like post-surgery Michael Jackson naturally? now that is just tragic.
posted by spiderwire at 11:02 AM on July 13, 2005

From this day forward, no matter how bad my life may become, no matter what tragedies might befall me, I will always remember: At least I'm not a Ricky Martin impersonator.
posted by Gamblor at 11:09 AM on July 13, 2005

How much more could it cost to get the real celebrities? No, not Robin Williams, Michael Jackson, or Clint Eastwood, etc, but some of the lesser-known people who've seen better days? Couldn't possibly be that much.
posted by rolypolyman at 11:09 AM on July 13, 2005

Metafilter: A bigger hit than a can of silly string.
posted by manicroom at 11:13 AM on July 13, 2005

... and the agent bound from his desk and said "That's quite an act! What do you call yourselves?"

"The Aristocrats!" -er- "The Susan Scott Lookalikes!"
posted by hal9k at 11:19 AM on July 13, 2005

What do look-alikes actually do? Do they just show up and stand there? I'm trying to imagine a conversation with a look-alike. What does one say?

And it's pretty creepy that there is another person in the world who resembles Whoopi Goldberg.
posted by crapulent at 11:42 AM on July 13, 2005

I look like Anthony Edwards, with more hair.
posted by sciurus at 11:56 AM on July 13, 2005

Alright, go to the Sinatra page and scroll to the bottom. Now read the name of the impersonator. Out loud.
posted by SteveInMaine at 12:14 PM on July 13, 2005

rolypolyman- Start with a phone call. (previously discussed)
posted by mkultra at 1:11 PM on July 13, 2005

Disturbingly charming Britney lookalike with something extra.
posted by Sully at 1:13 PM on July 13, 2005

SteveInMaine: Thanks! The loud snort that came from me woke everyone in my office up!
posted by WaterSprite at 1:29 PM on July 13, 2005

Sully, that is weird and awesome.
posted by Optimus Chyme at 1:39 PM on July 13, 2005

Hm, that Britney looks more like a Jessica Simpson to me. Cute either way, though.
posted by deborah at 2:39 PM on July 13, 2005

I initially scoffed at the 2nd Doors picture, but then I realized that's probably exactly what an '85 Doors incarnation would've looked like. That, or Jim Morrison's theoretical post-Doors comeback answer to The Firm - Morrison.
posted by walkathon at 3:41 PM on July 13, 2005

I've been told a few times I look like Sean Lennon, Julian Lennon, and Ozzy Osbourne (imagine that, all three at once), but usually I'm mistaken for something lik "that creep friend of my sister's who owes me money" or "the guy in the Buick who dented my bumper at the Mall".

And on a good day I look like Jack Nicholson as roadkill.
posted by davy at 7:47 PM on July 13, 2005

wow! you look like post-surgery Michael Jackson naturally? now that is just tragic.

Spiderwire, look again: the copies have noses.

And crapulent said: And it's pretty creepy that there is another person in the world who resembles Whoopi Goldberg.

You mean besides you? Got a jpeg?
posted by davy at 8:10 PM on July 13, 2005

As I've mentioned before, my favourite 'you've got to be kidding' is this lookalike from Susan Scott, Darth Vader.
posted by tellurian at 8:32 PM on July 13, 2005

tellurian: The surprising thing is that's his real face.
posted by Rev. Syung Myung Me at 8:37 PM on July 13, 2005

Ronnie Allen as Kenny Rodgers

I've seen better here:

posted by milnak at 11:59 PM on July 13, 2005

Bleh. Those look alike "agencies" never have anyone good.


The Drag Marilyn though, was AWESOME!
posted by erratic frog at 6:46 AM on July 14, 2005

Is there really that much of a market for Posh Spice lookalikes that they need to have six?

And you don't want to hire this guy for your kid's birthday party.
posted by SisterHavana at 8:51 AM on July 14, 2005

The First Doors Morrison is uncanny but what sells it is that they have Samurai Detective on guitar.
posted by Ogre Lawless at 3:10 PM on July 14, 2005

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