March 1, 2006 10:09 AM   Subscribe

9dots. En quelques mots, 9dots est un dispositif visuel et sonore qui vous permet d'éditer une séquence de 8 images sur lesquelles vous pouvez afficher ou masquer des points. Chaque image de la séquence est construite sur une grille de 3 points de haut par 3 points de large.
posted by monju_bosatsu (35 comments total)
posted by WetherMan at 10:13 AM on March 1, 2006

Les commentaires en français seulement, s'il vous plaît.
posted by monju_bosatsu at 10:14 AM on March 1, 2006

(obligatory tr?) In a few words, 9dots is a visual and sound device which enables you to publish a sequence of 8 images on which you can post or mask points. Each image of the sequence is built on a grid of 3 points top by 3 points broad.
posted by zenzizi at 10:14 AM on March 1, 2006

posted by Sand at 10:16 AM on March 1, 2006

Some of these are quite enjoyable in an elegant minimalist way. And some make my ears bleed. A bit like most "music" I suppose. Good fun.
posted by luftmensch at 10:16 AM on March 1, 2006

kraft to the werk
posted by dontoine at 10:22 AM on March 1, 2006

English-only posts please. If we are forced to look at "alternative" languages like French -- a notoriously traitorous and effete nation -- the terrorists win.
posted by digaman at 10:23 AM on March 1, 2006

Ceci n'est ce pas une post.
posted by benATthelocust at 10:24 AM on March 1, 2006

Is "post" masculine or feminine? I have no idea...
posted by generichuman at 10:27 AM on March 1, 2006

J'aime meilleur le sequence dans le galerie q'appeller "Love.You"; mais touts les sons etes difficile d'ecouter.

(I'm sure you can tell that my French sucks.)
posted by OmieWise at 10:27 AM on March 1, 2006

Je ne parle pas français.
posted by easternblot at 10:28 AM on March 1, 2006

Mon pays, ce n'est pas un pays, c'est l'hiver.
posted by Armitage Shanks at 10:34 AM on March 1, 2006

En français, comme toujours!
posted by Spatch at 10:35 AM on March 1, 2006

Man, things are getting pretty international in here.
posted by Astro Zombie at 10:37 AM on March 1, 2006

I like the one called "PLAY".
posted by smackfu at 10:39 AM on March 1, 2006

(Also, why are the music player controls in English?)
posted by smackfu at 10:40 AM on March 1, 2006

"Those French.... they're so rude. It's like... they have a different word for everything."

-- Steve Martin

(rough quote from memory, I probably mangled it completely. :) )
posted by Malor at 10:44 AM on March 1, 2006

shouldn't it be 9points? "dots" n'est pas francais.
posted by arcticwoman at 10:54 AM on March 1, 2006

It would be more interesting to me if the sounds associated with the dots were in some sort of harmony, so you could put together a musical piece with them.

Ca serait plus interessant si les points etaient associes avec des notes harmonize, puis on peut y composer une piece musicale.

Pardon my french (and lack of accent marks).
posted by gillyflower at 11:04 AM on March 1, 2006

Comment est ce comment le comment que je fais?
posted by blue_beetle at 11:09 AM on March 1, 2006

dot = doter
posted by blue_beetle at 11:11 AM on March 1, 2006

Mon pays ce n'est pas France, c'est les Etats Unis.
posted by matkline at 11:17 AM on March 1, 2006

(ou Quebec)
posted by matkline at 11:17 AM on March 1, 2006

sonic Braille
posted by doctor_negative at 11:26 AM on March 1, 2006

Ce site est une garçon-zone.
posted by knave at 12:03 PM on March 1, 2006

filtre meta
posted by jouke at 12:58 PM on March 1, 2006

*shrugs shoulders in faux-Gallic ennui*

Mais un post de la MetaFilter écrit entièrement en français serait intéressant, oui?

Yes, I made the noun MeFi feminine. Fight the power!
posted by Asparagirl at 1:18 PM on March 1, 2006

Look, I'm all for posts in other langauages, but would it have killed to provide an English translation in addition to the French in the FPP? Purely as a practical issue? For those of us who took Spanish in college?

(Not that I would look forward to EspañolFilter.)
posted by JHarris at 1:39 PM on March 1, 2006

Add 'automatic translation' to the list of things that all-Flash pages break.
posted by oats at 1:41 PM on March 1, 2006

Try babelfish ;)
posted by RobHoi at 1:59 PM on March 1, 2006

Je ne comprend pas!
posted by kingpixel at 2:30 PM on March 1, 2006

Flocons de Maïs!
posted by five fresh fish at 3:09 PM on March 1, 2006

Merveilleux! I could get seriously addicted to playing with this.
posted by jack_mo at 5:09 PM on March 1, 2006

Wow, cool!
posted by thirteenkiller at 5:35 PM on March 1, 2006

This is what I'd love to do if I had free time. Thanks for the link.

gillyflower , if you open the options, you can select the frequencies, and find nice harmonies.
posted by Dataphage at 2:02 AM on March 2, 2006

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