Britain's Millennium Dome
December 31, 2000 11:11 PM   Subscribe

Britain's Millennium Dome didn't even stay open for a full year. The $1.2 billion Dome was shut down today at 6:00 PM GMT. An Irish company plans to provide luxury housing on the site, and make the building into a high tech buisness center.
posted by riffola (4 comments total)
Not quite right - the Dome was used for a huge rave party celebrating the new year, and the closing of the biggest white elephant seen in this country.
posted by viama at 10:43 AM on January 1, 2001

This is only slightly on-topic, but has anyone had a chance to hear Peter Gabriel's music from the Millennium Dome Show? Is it any good?
posted by Aaaugh! at 6:48 PM on January 1, 2001

Can "Britain's biggest organised New Year's event" be properly called a rave? It's not really a rave if you have permission to be there, is it?

(Peter Gabriel music I haven't heard? GIMME!)
posted by kindall at 7:00 PM on January 1, 2001

Yes, I got the Millennium Dome show CD from Peter Gabriel's website. I like it, though it's not quite the usual Gabriel fare - it's rather dark and moody much of the time. Mostly instrumental, and most of the vocals are supplied by guest artists. Though Peter does show up for a touching song called "Father, Son." The whole thing ends with a really great song called "Make Tomorrow" that really gets to me. It's a bit reminiscent of "It Is Accomplished" from "Passion," but with a dark undercurrent beneath. Optimistic, yet uncertain.

Wish I could've seen the show itself. Looks like just my sort of thing - rather Cirque du Soleil-esque. And Robert LePage had a hand in it, so it must've been awesome.
posted by dnash at 6:58 AM on January 2, 2001

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